Natural Medicines To Be Banned & Restricted

There are currently profoundly serious and suppressive regulations coming into force from unelected officials in Brussels which threaten to massively restrict your right to put what you want into your own body. This is good for protecting big business, but is not in your best interest.

Please note, these are not vague airy fairy proposals that may occur at some point in the distant future. They are caste iron directives that have already been passed, and pose an immediate threat. In fact even as things stand, it's more of a question of damage limitation than prevention. We can't over emphasise this point: we need your help, now!

If you care about your rights, please do not fall into the trap of either leaving it to other people, or thinking that campaigning never accomplishes anything.

“It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because
you can only do a little.

- Sydney Smith 1771-1845 English Writer.

The main two attacks on your freedom are : -

1) The Food Supplements Directive (affects Vitamins and Minerals etc). Click here for information on what this is, and how you can help.

2) The Traditional Herbal Medicines Products Directive. We think this is the more urgent issue, even though both are very important. If you are only going to put your time into one thing, this is the one to go for - right now, today, rather than when you can be bothered (meaning never). Click here for information on what this is, and how you can help.