Bloating (Body fluid)

Management of fluids in the body involve a range of factors. People with fluid retention concerns should consider the following factors : -

1. In ladies, secretion of too much oestrogen. (This can also cause PMT symptoms) - see see this section of the web site if this may be the cause
2. A sluggish thyroid and / or adrenals glands. By the way, this may also cause PMT which then causes further fluid retention. See the adrenal health and thyroid health categories
3. Candida Overgrowth. Please view the Candida Management category if this may be the cause
4. Constipation / sluggish bowels. View the Colon Cleanse section of the web site if this may be the cause. 
5. Poor heart health / Capillary damage – this may be caused in turn by high blood pressure damaging the capillaries. See the heart health category
6. Poor kidney health. The kidneys filter the blood and help maintain fluid levels in the body. If the kidneys do not work properly, they cannot remove waste material, including fluids and sodium. The fluid will therefore stay in the body. See the kidney health category.
7. Pregnancy – we don’t have a cure for pregnancy!
8. Obesity – see the weight management category
9. Problems with the lymphatic system. We don’t have a category for this.
10. Inactivity – Go and get more exercise!
11. Some orthodox medicines  - you need to discuss this with your doctor or pharmacist.