Megahydrate Powder 50g

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Price £69.99
 34 Reviews
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Megahydrate Capsules vs Powder

For those requiring a higher dosage, Megahydrate Powder works out much better value for money than the Megahydrate capsules.

Let's explain : -

 - Megahydrate capsules provide 18g of powder per bottle (this consists of 60 capsules of 300mg each).

 - Megahydrate powder provides 50g of powder per bottle.

The powder costs twice as much as one bottle of the capsules. So if you were to buy two bottles of the capsules, you pay the same amount as one bottle of the powder. You would get 36g with the capsules, but 50g with the powder for the same amount of money.

It's true that a lot of people can't be bothered with powders, and also want to be able to measure the dosage precisely, which is easier to do with Megahydrate capsules than powder. This is probably why we sell more capsules than powder. But at least we have made your options clear. Whichever you choose Megahydrate is still a great product!

What is Megahydrate?

MegaHydrate is a dietary supplement that provides highly desired, full-body hydration for optimal health and well-being. This is because it’s rich in silica hydride, the only known supplement to dramatically increase zeta potential. It is a food grade supplement rich in antioxidants which are around 10 times stronger in their free radical-quenching effect than vitamin C.

Proper hydration

It’s long been considered that people aren’t as hydrated as they ought to be. There are several possible reasons why – poor thirst mechanism as we age, caffeine and alcohol consumption, dissatisfaction with the taste of water, excessive exercise and climate controlled environments (both heated and air conditioned). Whatever the reasons, it’s believed that beyond making us feel thirsty, poor hydration impairs both physiological and mental performance. Dehydrated cells in the body can’t properly absorb nutrients or get rid of waste; over time this leads to nutritional deficiency, cellular oxidation and a dangerous build-up of toxins.The best answer is simply to drink more water, right? Maybe not. Because double-blind placebo studies have clearly demonstrated that the silica hydride in MegaHydrate can dramatically increase total body water in just four weeks.

Megahydrate and Hydrogen

The high concentration of silica hydride in MegaHydrate is just one of the reasons why it’s so beneficial. It ensures MegaHydrate is rich in negatively-charged hydrogen ions, like the water of so many natural springs throughout the world which, for centuries, have been revered for their ability to improve health. This is no coincidence because for humans – and indeed all life on Earth – negatively-charged ions are hugely beneficial. When plants absorb sunlight, they become abundant in negatively-charged hydrogen ions, thus when humans consume unprocessed plants, the electrical charge of these plants’ hydrogen ions makes its way into our bodies’ cells, enabling them to generate the energy we need for every single life process. The more silica hydride – and negative-charged hydrogen ions – we safely consume, the more energetic, healthier and happier we feel.

MegaHydrate was created by Dr Patrick Flanagan, who holds advanced degrees in chemistry, nanotechnology, bio-sciences and medicine. A developer of more than 300 inventions and named Scientist of the Year in 1997 by the International Association for New Science, Dr Flanagan discovered negatively ionized hydrogen as the premier biological antioxidant in 1985. It took him around 10 years to stabilise the material and develop it as a product – MegaHydrate.

In addition to neutralising harmful free radicals, MegaHydrate:

  • Promotes energy production and metabolic activity
  • Supports stamina, memory and mental sharpness through adequate hydration
  • Enhances cells’ ability to use nutrients
  • Provides a front-line defence against the effects of ageing

Many individuals who take MegaHydrate experience:

  • Combating of dehydration – in adults, children and even pets
  • Alkalization of the body so it becomes unfavourable for harmful organisms
  • Improved waste removal in the body
  • Antioxidant power with every serving – one daily dose of MegaHydrate has more antioxidant power than hundreds of glasses of fresh vegetable and fruit juices, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, leafy greens and other foods rich in antioxidants

Suggested Usage

Start on 1/8th scoop twice per day initially. Gradually increasing it to 4 x per day (though 1/4tsp twice per day would have the same effect, as 1/8th 4 x per day) or as otherwise directed by a healthcare practitioner

Other products to consider which provide hydrogen to the body

  • Oxygen Elements Max (originally marketed as ‘hydroxygen plus’ because of the hydrogen)
  • Oxylift - very similar to Oxygen Elements Max
  • NADH, claimed by Professor George Birkmayer to be “the only product in the world that delivers biological hydrogen to the body”. We do not believe this but NADH does get remarkable results in many cases.