These reviews are the personal experiences of the customers who have written them. They should not be taken as health claims or representations by The Finchley Clinic Ltd or its employees. Individual results vary.
 Abdul Q. A - Date Added: Wednesday 21 November 2018
Plant Based Kidney Health 2oz fluid

In 2009 I suffered the excruciating pain caused by a kidney stone for the first time. To cut a long story short, I was given powerful pain-killers which I gratefully took (I never normally use painkillers or prescription meds) and was offered lithotripsy which I refused (after finding reports of kidney tissue damage and liver possible issues in later life).

I managed the occasional bouts of pain which would occur after this by drinking neat lemon juice and lots of water.

After getting some pain again in August (2018) I decided to look for a solution (pun not intentional) and found Renaltrex on the Finchley Clinic website so I immediately ordered it.

I prepared it in distilled water as per instructions and got ready to drink four glasses a day for four days, hoping for some relief.

I took my first glass at around 2pm and went about my daily routine. At around 7pm I took a second glass and felt a sudden urge to pass water, literally just as I took the last sip.

A couple of seconds into passing, it just stopped and I knew the flow was blocked. After a momentary panic (there was no pain at all, by the way) I decided to try again (what else could I have done lol?) and managed to get it moving again, just after a loud "ping" when something had shot out with some force into the toilet bowl.

Of course I fished it out and washed it - a stone which is around 12mm long and 8 or 9mm wide.

No more stiff lower back in the mornings, no heaviness in my right flank and no "leaking" after leaving the bathroom. I would upload a picture of the stone but I don't think it's possible. Renaltrex has been amazing for me and I have recommended it to a lot of people.