Oxygen Elements Plus - A Winner in the Free Radical War

Contrary to common media misunderstanding singlet oxygen "is a strong oxidising agent...which stimulates the generation of antioxidants."

Source: Ozone Auto-Haemotherapy in Lower Limb Ulcerations - H. van der Zee and A. De Monte AZR, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Netherlands. P.A.S.S. Udine, Italy.

The following material is taken from the manufacturers web site:-

If you haven't learned about antioxidants, a little information could benefit your health. Free radicals may be slowly killing you. Ignore the benefits of antioxidants, and you contribute to the aging process. If you don't learn about the value of antioxidants, your ignorance could make your own worst enemy.

Antioxidants, without question, are some of your body's best friends. They are your effective weapons in the war against dangerous pollution, smoke, stress, environmental toxins and some illnesses. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals, which accelerate the aging process and leave bodies vulnerable to a wide variety of disorders and disease. Free radicals age us because they steal electrons from healthy cells, causing the cells' premature death. Antioxidants counteract free radical damage, and prevent cell destruction.

According to the manufacurers, Oxygen Elements Plus is an extremely efficient and effective free radical scavenger.

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