These reviews are the personal experiences of the customers who have written them. They should not be taken as health claims or representations by The Finchley Clinic Ltd or its employees. Individual results vary.
 Amanda B - Date Added: Thursday 25 October 2007
Marshmallow Formula (leaky gut management)

My main problem was irritable bowel. I was down to eating next to nothing and still getting diarrhea, pain and discomfort throughout my abdominal area and swelling. I took threelac and oxygen elements max and to be fair I improved on those by themselves, but wasn't cured. I phoned the Finchley clinic for further advice and Mark Lester recommended me to take Marshmallow Formula (I took 1 twice a day) and MSM Max (I took 1 per day) which Mark said often helps with food allergies, and leaky gut etc. Within a few days of starting these products the diarrhea stopped and I found I could start eating foods I previously couldn't tolerate. I have increased energy, improved appetite (it's been years since I experienced hunger) and no longer feel ill. It's been amazing! The only thing is I can't tell whether is the main thing that's working because I am taking MSM and the Marshmallow formula at the same time.

My 9 year old daughter has been taking Marshmallow formula for frequent symptoms of nausea and food intolerances. I put her on 1 tablet twice per day of Marshmallow formula and a tablet of MSM She has been much better since taking these products.