These reviews are the personal experiences of the customers who have written them. They should not be taken as health claims or representations by The Finchley Clinic Ltd or its employees. Individual results vary.
 Claire C - Date Added: Sunday 20 March 2016
Lung Health (formerly Allertrex)

I purchased Allertrex in desperation after searching on the internet for a product to provide some relief from my allergies and their affects namely sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes, sore sinuses, sore throat, blocked ears, excessive mucus production, coughing, asthma etc. I did not expect a miracle cure but thought it worth purchasing a bottle and giving it a try. I used 6 sprays 3 times a day as indicated and I felt an immediate difference. Initially, I noticed the lack of post nasal drip. Since using the Allertrex I can honestly say I have sneezed no more than anyone without allergies. My whole respiratory system has felt clear and free of any irritation. For the first time in many years I have felt wonderful, allergy free. I have not had any of the symptoms mentioned since using this product. However, I finished the bottle 2 days ago and today I have felt really unwell, violent sneezing, nose running like a tap, sore eyes, throat and sinuses, post nasal drip etc. Needless to say, I have ordered more Allertrex. This product is in my opinion a miracle. A wonderful product, expensive but worth every penny !