These reviews are the personal experiences of the customers who have written them. They should not be taken as health claims or representations by The Finchley Clinic Ltd or its employees. Individual results vary.
 Ilan S - Date Added: Saturday 7 January 2017
Lavender Formula (stress / anxiety relief)

This is my second review for this product as I've just seen a client who suffered from anxiety, depression and panic attacks and was put on a protocol which included the Lavender Formula, Licorice Formula, Liposomal Vitamin C and CBD Oil.

I was extremely happy to see that this lady was in great shape, Laughing, joking and feeling extremely positive thanking me for the protocol she was put on. It seems as if all of her symptoms had disappeared and she was back to her normal self. Her mum who was present told me that she started getting better rom the second day following my protocol and made a complete turn in a matter of weeks.

If anyone needs help or advice in identifying a specific problem and coming up with the right protocol, I am happy to help. My email address is ilan.slazengerATgmailDOTcom (replace the AT and the DOT with the relevant).