20 Years of Successful Threelac Probiotic Reviews For Gut Health

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Hi Everyone

This week I noticed that we are now 20 years from our first ever product review, and as 20 years later, we are still having great success with the same product, I thought it was time for a trip down memory lane.  The exact date was Thursday 13 November 2003. It was written by a lady suffering from candida and thrush, who was using what at the time was the rather novel and unique probiotic Threelac, which in those days was our best selling product. This is what she wrote…

Healed from persistent thrush

Thursday 13 November 2003

I am happy to be able to provide a testimonial to the beneficial use of ThreeLac. At the beginning of the year I began to suffer from recurrent thrush. Being in my 40’s this was not a problem that I had experienced with any regularity since my 20’s. I didn’t feel happy about the continued use of the normal pessary treatment and I really wasn’t ready for a solution that would entail the use of long-term oral medication.

I knew that Candida conditions were linked to various internal imbalances so I felt that a more natural approach must be available. I toyed with the idea of a sugar-free diet, which I knew from previous investigations could produce dramatic results, but let’s face it who wants to live without sugar! Well, I certainly didn’t. So after much surfing on the Internet I came across the ThreeLac product.

I decided to start on 2 packets a day and within a few days I felt a difference! But I must say that the greatest improvement came at just short of two months of using the product. I have now been using Three Lac for almost 3 months and I have not had any recurrence of thrush during that time. I have felt the odd twinge but it has always subsided and if I feel worried that thrush may develop then I just take an extra packet for that day. It’s likely that the results would be even better for someone who would be willing to have the minimum amount of sugar in their diet, but the important thing is that it’s worked for me and that I haven’t had to make any dramatic lifestyle changes.

I recommend ThreeLac wholeheartedly.

Here are a few more of our earliest ever reviews for Threelac

Eczema, psoriasis, athlete’s foot – finally healed.

Wednesday 3 December 2003

 I have been trying to rid myself of candiasis for years. I have a patch of skin on my foot which has been described as eczema, psoriasis, athlete’s foot, lichen planus, lichen simplex, and several others. I read several years ago about a Professor Crook I think his name was, and his theory that such allergies and ailments are caused by overgrowth of candida in the gut….Anyway, just to let you have a bit of feedback on your product and I will keep you posted. As one who has tried all sorts of cures, I think I may be at the end of the search. One day doctors will realise that steroid and cortisone creams are only cover ups for the real problems, and they may even admit that candida albicans is a real problem.

Lactose intolerance gone!

Monday 22 March 2004

This threelac stuff is amazing – my lactose intolerance is SO much better since I started taking it last month – I can eat butter and cheese without coming out in a rash… cool! doctor insisted it had nothing to do with yeast…

Food cravings, fatigue and depression gone!

Tuesday 25 May 2004

I have suffered with the side effects of candida for years-the overeating as a result of food cravings, dry skin, depression, tiredness, etc. I tried the very restrictive diet recommended by some books I read, however I found this difficult to fit in with any kind of family or social life. In desperation, I was surfing the internet for some advice & came across an American review of Threelac which sounded too good to be true. After some more research I found the product was available at The Finchley Clinic, so I ordered some to try along with Oxygen Elements Plus and Active Enzymes. I thought it was quite expensive, but then so is overeating !! I have now been using these products for almost 4 months. Apart from an occasional bad day, the food cravings have disappeared, my skin is much better and I am no longer tired and depressed. As a bonus I have lost almost 2 and a half stone.

Persistent skin itching disappeared

Friday 2 July 2004

I used Threelac on its own for 8 weeks, beginning with one a day and building up to 2 a day for the second month. The first packet i used i ‘felt’ it working in a very physical way but thereafter, i was not aware of this – in 3 days my severe itching on the back subsided and the ‘spit test’ showed an improvement from the test i did 3 days before which had fungal yeast covering the entire base of the glass! At the end of the first month, the lesions on my arm, back and chest and face started drying up (usually infected, bleeding and painful). During the second month, I added Oxygen Elements Max but was not really aware of further improvement because of it, however, I had steady improvement of symptoms – less lesions, less yeast in the spit test, no more itching from the very first packet (which i suffered for 15 yrs!), improved oral thrush, better energy, clearer thinking, less short-term memory loss and calmer as my body seemed calmer!

I stopped taking 3lac for 2 months and tried a soil organism product (experiment) and immediately had ‘die off’ reaction and my old symptoms gradually came back but not as fierce as they were before. So i returned to 3Lac on 3 a day for week, and 2 a day from week two and the symptoms have dramatically improved, but the terrible fatigue is taking longer to deal with. The most dramatic result was the cessation of itching and it never came back, even when i went without 3Lac. I am aware it may have done if I carried on without it thinking i had got rid of the yeast when i hadn’t.

Although it is recommend to carry on eating natural sugar with 3Lac, i found that it was more effective when i went without fruit in particular (for 4 weeks). I am now combining this with Active Enzymes and Colostrum as a program, in an attempt to control yeast, leaky gut and supressed immune system. I recommend the product for anyone with fungal yeast issues but have read testimonies that as a probiotic, it improves a range of symptoms, including re-current infections, chronic fatigue, and other serious diseases.

UTI (urinary tract infections) – No more!

Saturday 3 July 2004

For the past four years I have constantly suffered with UTI (urinary tract infections). It has been a viscous circle of thrush, cystitis, eczema and athletes foot. In between all of this I have been very tired and have cried many times with the tiredness and pain from the urinary tract infections. On doing some research for one of my essays I stumbled on the Finchley Clinic website and found that other people too have suffered like me. I must admit I was a little dubious at first and thought to myself it can’t be true and end to all of this. However I was so desperate as numerous visits to the doctors told me there was nothing wrong with me. The doctor was treating my symptoms not curing them. So I gave it a go. I was amazed by the results. I have had no thrush since I started using threelac. I have had no cystitis. My eczema has gone off my legs and only flares now occasionally on two of my fingers. I have no athlete’s foot and something my fiance mentioned was that spots that I usually had on my back were now down to the odd one now and again. This is good news as I’m getting married next year and will be able to choose a dress that shows my back. My energy levels have soared which is great news as being a Student Nurse I need lots of that. As a Student Nurse I read the Nursing Times regularly and was pleased to see that a letter in edition no.13, volume 1 dated the 3th March 24 printed a letter on the use of probiotics. To sum the letter up a nurse urged Doctors to use probiotics on an elderly ward, the Doctor replied that his hands were tied because of insufficient research on them. She remarked that existing research shows them to be harmless and that they wouldn’t interfere with any other medications. She persuaded a house doctor to prescribe Yakult and for the patients to drink it. She worked in South Africa over 1 years ago and she claims that doctors often prescribed probiotics at the same time as antibiotics. I think that it’s a shame this country is not the same as I feel that I could have been saved a lot of pain and tears had my doctor prescribed them for me. While Yakult was not stronger enough to help me at least it’s a start in the right direction.

I urge people to at least give them ago, as you have nothing to lose. As for the cost of them which I no is expensive, but they are not as costly as continuous repeat prescriptions for thrush tablets, cystitis and betnovate steroid creams for eczema.

PMT – massive improvement “almost immediately”. 

Thursday 14 October 2004

Since my second child was born 6 years ago I have suffered with really bad PMT , symptoms included swollen tender breasts , bloated stomach and mood swings. I started taking Threelac with Oxygen Elements plus about 9 months and noticed a massive improvement in all my symptoms almost immediately

More reviews : –

You can read all 95 reviews here. We should have more reviews for this product, but only a tiny proportion of customers bother to write them unfortunately. 

Usage and Dosage

It makes very little difference whether it is taken with or without food. It’s very hard to be too prescriptive about how much to take, and it’s definitely not an exact science. But a protocol I have always liked is to take 1 sachet per day for a week, then 1 sachet twice a day in the second week, then in the third week, try 1 sachet three times a day. Stay on this dosage for 6 weeks (so a total of 8 weeks from the start), then assess whether or not its helping. 

These days, we also have other options, as there is Threelac (spore based 3 probiotic strains), Fivelac (same as Threelac but with two additional probiotic strains), and Sevenlac (same as Fivelac, but with two further probiotic strains). In theory, Sevenlac is better than Fivelac, and Fivelac is better than Threelac. However life is never quite as simple as that, and I do get people who say they find Threelac to be the most effective one (as well as less expensive).  Which one do I recommend? Once again, it’s not an exact science, but the majority of the time I recommend trying Threelac initially, and considering one of the others if it’s not working after 8 weeks.

What else does Threelac combine well with?

We suggest considering the following kits if you don’t want to put all your eggs in one basket. Please note all kits are sold at 10% off the price of buying the same products separately. 

Threelac & Oxygen Elements Max Anti-Candida Kit – £59.38 or Threelac & OxyLift Anti-Candida Kit – £59.38

Threelac, Oxygen Elements Max & Active Digestive Enzymes Anti-Candida and Digestive Health Kit – £89.07 or Threelac, OxyLift & Active Digestive Enzymes – Anti Candida & Digestive Health Kit – £89.07

Are there equivalent kits for Fivelac and Sevenlac?

Yup! Just go to the main product pages and you’ll find links to them

And one last thing before I go

Global Health Trax, the manufacturers of Threelac also manufacture a product called Candizolv. This is one of the products I often recommend candida sufferers to try where nothing else seems to be working. I know people don’t read for long where it comes to newsletters, so I suggest going to the product page for more info. 

As always, I hope this article is of interest.

Best wishes
Mark G. Lester
Director – The Finchley Clinic Ltd

Supplier of Natural Health Supplements for candida management and colon cleansing