All posts by Alice Johnston

Unveiling Detoxadine: Your Key to Thyroid Health and Vitality

Unlock the power of pure, organic iodine with Detoxadine by Global Healing. Sourced from ancient salt deposits deep within the Earth’s crust, Detoxadine offers unparalleled purity and potency to support optimal thyroid function and overall well-being. Let’s explore what it is, its health benefits, and why it’s a game-changer in the world of iodine supplements.

What is Detoxadine?

Detoxadine is a certified organic nascent iodine supplement meticulously sourced from salt deposits over 7,000 feet below the Earth’s surface. Crafted with care, each drop contains 650 micrograms of iodine in a glycerine base, ensuring rapid absorption and maximum effectiveness.


Health Benefits

1. Supports Thyroid Health

Iodine is essential for optimal thyroid function, as it plays a crucial role in hormone production and metabolism regulation. Detoxadine provides the iodine necessary for a healthy thyroid, promoting overall wellness.

2. Avoids Low Iodine Levels

Many individuals fail to obtain sufficient iodine from their diets, leading to potential deficiencies. Detoxadine bridges this gap, ensuring you meet your daily iodine requirements for optimal health and vitality.

3. Keeps You Energized

A sluggish thyroid can leave you feeling fatigued and depleted. Detoxadine’s nascent iodine formula boosts metabolism and energy levels, revitalizing your body and mind.

Great Reasons to Try Detoxadine

1. Supports Brain Function

Experience improved alertness, attention, and mood with a healthy thyroid supported by a potent iodine formula.

2. Promotes Hormone Harmony

Iodine is crucial for hormone regulation, influencing metabolism and energy levels. Detoxadine helps maintain hormone balance for overall well-being.

3. Enhances Endocrine Support

Enjoy better sleep, stable emotions, and a brighter mood with comprehensive support for the endocrine system.

How Does Detoxadine Help?

Promotes Normal Iodine Levels

Encourages Hormone Balance

Defends Against Toxic Halogens

Extremely Pure, Free of Additives

Nascent Iodine in a Vegetable Glycerine Base

Elevate your thyroid health and vitality with Detoxadine. Simply add a few drops to your daily regimen to experience the transformative benefits of pure, organic iodine. Say goodbye to sluggishness and hello to renewed energy and well-being.

Embrace the power of iodine in its most effective form and embark on a journey to optimal health today!

5 Amazing Ways That You Can Benefit From
Taking Colosan

Gut health is vitally important to your general well-being, but many people don’t fully understand the importance of looking after their digestive system.

When your gut is clean and healthy, you’ll feel more energised and more comfortable.

On the other hand, if you’re struggling with difficult bowel movements or gut health complications (e.g. Candida yeast overgrowth) then you’re likely to be feeling fatigued, strained, and unhappy.

But don’t worry – there’s a product that could help.

It’s time to run through the basics of the Colosan supplement, and highlight how this all-natural product can make a lasting difference to your gut health.

What is Colosan?

Colosan is a popular colon-cleansing product that promotes gut health and allows individuals to maintain regular, comfortable bowel movements. It was originally developed as a general health tonic but has consistently proven itself to be a reliable cleanser that also supports
healthy digestive functions.

The supplement contains a specific type of magnesium oxide that enables it to clean and oxygenate the digestive tract. This oxygenation process removes harmful toxins from the digestive system, while still allowing healthy microorganisms and bacteria to thrive.

In addition to detoxification, Colosan encourages more regular bowel movements, helping individuals to overcome constipation without suffering the potential side effects of harsher laxatives.

These capsules also contain citric acid, which with the release of oxygen from the product.

Many customers have claimed that Colosan has also helped them to alleviate the symptoms of conditions such as Candida yeast overgrowth and gut dysbiosis.


5 ways that you can benefit from taking Colosan

Colosan is primarily known for its colon-cleansing abilities, but let’s take a closer look at the key benefits that you can unlock by taking this supplement.

You can detoxify your system

Toxins can enter the digestive system in many different ways, often causing health problems such as nausea, fatigue, and gastric issues.

Colosan introduces oxygen directly into the digestive tract, clearing out these toxic substances and cleansing the colon.

You can avoid fatigue

Digestive issues can cause sufferers to feel constantly exhausted – this is often also accompanied by symptoms such as bloating and nausea.

Since Colosan effectively cleans and re-balances the digestive system, it can help to remedy these common problems and prevent fatigue.

You can cleanse your colon

Your colon plays many critical roles in the body, including removing waste products and absorbing essential nutrients.

Colosan is designed to promote colon health, supporting these key functions and ensuring that you’re able to live an active lifestyle.

You can prevent constipation

Constipation is an extremely common gastrointestinal issue and one that can cause severe discomfort.

Colosan oxidises faecal matter to encourage more consistent bowel movements and prevent constipation from disrupting your daily routine.

You can strengthen your immune system

Colosan enhances overall gut health, which offers many important benefits beyond preventing constipation and cleansing the colon.

Since Colosan removes problematic toxins from the digestive tract, it also facilitates a more diverse and balanced gut microbiome, which is crucial for a strong and resilient immune system.

Colosan is a hugely popular supplement among our customers, providing them with a range of health perks from detoxification to colon cleansing.

If you’d like to learn more about Colosan or try the product for yourself, just click here.

5 Health Benefits Of Oxy-Powder (And How
You Can Unlock Them)

Digestive health issues are hugely disruptive and unpleasant for those who suffer form them. Excess gas, bloating, and constipation are all common digestive problems that cause daily discomfort and ongoing complications.
Fortunately, there’s an all-natural remedy that can help you to maintain a happy and healthy digesive system.
Read on to discover how Oxy-Powder can effectively alleviate the symptoms of constipation and enable you to live more comfortably.

What is Oxy-Powder?

Oxy-Powder contains two key ingredients that can deliver major benefits for your digestive system – magnesium oxide powder and citric acid.
Magnesium oxide compounds help to release stabilised nascent oxygen throughout your digestive system and intestinal tract, which liquefies compacted faecal matter in your colon and relieves the symptoms of constipation. This oxygen-based cleansing also helps to remove other toxic substances and support the growth of friendly bacteria in your bowels.
Citric acid helps release oxygen from the product, which enhances the effectiveness of the magnesium oxide compounds and allows your digestive system to maximise these oxygenating benefits.
In simple terms, Oxy-Powder utilises oxygen to cleanse, detoxify, and re-balance your digestive system.


5 potential health benefits of Oxy-Powder

Now that we’ve covered the basics of how Oxy-Powder actually works, let’s examine some of the primary benefits associated with taking this supplement.

  1. It cleanses and detoxifies
    Harmful toxins can be found everywhere, including our food, water, and air. These toxins can cause a wide range of health problems, from fatigue to inflammation.
    Oxy-Powder helps to rapidly remove these toxic substances from your digestive system, improving your long-term health and general well-being.
  2. It supports your digestive system
    When your digestive system is functioning properly, you feel good.
    Oxy-Powder keeps your digestive system balanced and healthy, ridding your body of harmful toxins and promoting vital nutrient absorption to keep you energised and active.
  3. It promotes gut and colon health
    Maintaining a healthy gut offers a huge number of benefits, from strengthening your immune system to improving digestion.
    Oxy-Powder works to keep your digestive tract clean and fully functional, which encourages the growth of beneficial microorganisms and helpful bacteria.
  4. It removes unwanted waste matter
    Constipation is a common issue that can be massively inconvenient and uncomfortable.
    By using Oxy-Powder, you can quickly clear out waste matter from your system and revert back to regular and healthy bowel movements.
  5. It has fewer side effects than laxatives
    Oxy-Powder is an all-natural cleansing supplement, which means that it causes fewer side effects than standard laxatives.
    While using laxatives can often lead to cramps and urgent bowel movements, Oxy-Powder encourages a more gentle cleanse and re-balancing of your digestive system.
    If you’re suffering from digestive issues or constipation, Oxy-Powder can help you to regain control and maintain a healthier gut. That means improved digestion, more regular bowel movements, and a better quality of life.
    To learn more about the benefits of Oxy-Powder or try out the supplement for yourself, just click here to visit our online store.

How To Promote Gut Health With Threelac

Gut health is hugely important for maintaining an active lifestyle, but many people don’t fully understand the benefits of nurturing healthy gut bacteria.
Poor gut health can lead to a wide range of health complications. Candida yeast overgrowth, for example, is a very common problem associated with gut bacteria imbalance that can cause ongoing digestive issues, fatigue, and joint pain.
Many of these issues can often be alleviated by achieving a healthier balance of bacteria in your gut – and that’s where the Threelac probiotic product can help.
Let’s take a closer look at the Threelac probiotic, and explain how this unique product can contribute to your long-term gut health and general well-being.

What is Threelac?

Threelac is a probiotic, which means that it encourages the growth of healthy bacteria and microorganisms in your gut. This bacteria can offer many different health benefits, from supporting digestive functions to strengthening your immune system.
More importantly, Threelac can also help you to manage gut-related health problems such as candida and yeast infections.
Threelac functions in a slightly different way than other natural health remedies. As the name suggests, Threelac contains three different types of spore-forming lactic acid bacteria – Lactobacillus Sporogenes, Bacillus Subtilis, and Streptococcus Faecalis.
(Don’t worry – you won’t need to remember these by name!)
All you need to know is that each of these live microorganisms helps to remove harmful bacteria from your gut, which is vital for maintaining a healthy gut microbiome.


How does Threelac support gut health?

So how does Threelac actually work?
The proprietary Threelac formula is packed with live bacteria that help to rapidly expel candida organisms from the body. Threelac’s manufacturer claims that the product allows positive bacteria to safely bypass the acidic environment of the stomach, enabling it to
remove problematic organisms quickly and effectively.
The effectiveness of Threelac can also be enhanced with additional health supplements such as OxyLift and Active Digestive Enzymes, but the product can still deliver excellent results as a standalone probiotic.
Many customers have testified to the effectiveness of Threelac, and some even claim to have experienced major benefits within just a couple of days of taking the probiotic. However, the majority of people will need to use Threelac for several months before noticing any changes to their gut health.

Should I also make dietary changes alongside taking

When it comes to gut health, diet and nutrition can also play a fundamental role in stimulating the growth of helpful microorganisms.
As a result, you may be wondering if any specific dietary changes are required alongside Threelac to achieve optimal results.
If you’re suffering from ongoing gut issues, it’s advised that you avoid consuming large amounts of sugar, yeasted bread, and alcohol until your symptoms subside. In saying that, Threelac can help you to nurture healthy gut bacteria without the need for any drastic lifestyle changes or extreme diets, so you won’t need to stick to any unrealistic routines.
Threelac has delivered exceptional results for many of our customers, and if you’re looking for an all-natural remedy for gut issues, it can prove to be an excellent choice.
To learn more about Threelac, explore our customer testimonials, or try out the probiotic for yourself, just click here.

Should you be supplementing Vitamin D this winter?

If sniffling your way through winter with tissues in hand and a tickly cough is familiar to you, you’re not alone. In winter, it’s prime time for viruses like the common cold and the flu to spread across the population, so our immune systems and general health need a helping

Unfortunately, this is also the season many of us suffer from a lack of Vitamin D, also known as the sunshine Vitamin. Our bodies use the sun to create Vitamin D, and arriving at and leaving work in the dark while spending all day indoors (as is common during winter) can seriously impede our body’s ability to create this key vitamin.

While you can get Vitamin D from some food sources (oily fish, red meat, and fortified foods), the lack of winter sunshine leaves 1 in 6 of us with low levels of Vitamin D in our blood. This important Vitamin can be even harder for vegans and vegetarians who can’t get it from the most common food sources.

The solution? A Vitamin D supplement.

Here’s why all of us should be supplementing Vitamin D this winter.

  1. Vitamin D keeps bones, muscles, and teeth healthy
    Vitamin D is a key nutrient that your body requires to stay healthy at all ages. Its key function is to regulate the amount of calcium and phosphate in the body.
    Calcium is one of the vital minerals required for healthy bones and teeth while also playing a role in blood clotting, regulating heart rhythms, and allowing muscles to contract.
    Meanwhile, phosphates are essential for producing energy, muscle and nerve function, and bone growth, making the regulation of both these key nutrients vital for a healthy body.

  2. A lack of Vitamin D can lead to bone deformities
    Getting sufficient Vitamin D is especially important in younger years when your bones are still developing. In children, a lack of Vitamin D can cause bone deformities such as rickets, with the most common cause of rickets being a Vitamin D or calcium deficiency.
    Adults without sufficient Vitamin D can suffer from osteomalacia and related bone pain.

  3. Supplementing Vitamin D is cost-effective
    Sure, there are food sources of Vitamin D available when you aren’t getting enough sunlight. But unless you have the budget and the time to cook fresh oily fish and expensive red meats regularly for dinner, you’ll find it difficult to attain the recommended amount of Vitamin D from
    food alone.
    Plus, vegetarians and people with particular dietary requirements may be unable to eat adequate amounts of foods containing Vitamin D. A more cost-effective and simple way to get sufficient Vitamin D is by taking a supplement.
    That way, you won’t have to plan meals obsessively to get this important nutrient from food.

Prioritise your health with a Vitamin D supplement

Vitamin D isn’t only necessary during winter. If you don’t get regular outdoor exposure to sunlight or you live somewhere with few sunny days across the year (we’re looking at you, Scotland), you might benefit from taking Vitamin D supplements all year long.
The good news is that taking a regular Vitamin D supplement doesn’t have to mean breaking the bank. Our popular Vitamin D supplement will see you through the winter months at an affordable price.
It’s combined with Vitamin K2, which ensures that the calcium production encouraged by Vitamin D3 ends up in your bones, not your arteries.
The best part? The chewable tablets come in a tasty apricot flavour, so no more gulping down unpalatable vitamins while holding your nose.