A Roadmap To Female Hormone Balance

Hello Everyone

After around 25 years in the natural supplement business, I’d like to take the opportunity to introduce you to our new specialist in women’s health issues. I get calls and emails from women quite often asking about which products they should use for hormonally related issues. Although I am able to give some basic guidance, which I don’t normally charge for, it’s never really been my area of expertise. Even if it was, these issues are complex, and it’s not possible to venture into individual cases in a respsonsible way in the time I allow for the free advisory service I provide.

Introducing Katie Joyce

Katie is a graduate of the College of Naturopathic Medicine, who I have been working with behind the scenes for some time. (She also works as a colon hydrotherapist). She has a commitment to wellness, to her patients, and attention to detail that goes beyond the competent, to the level of the superlative. She takes the same view as myself, that you cannot make the body healthy by poisoning it, therefore allopathic medicines should be avoided when it is possible to do so. 

As a qualified nutritionist she is able, if necessary to order the kind of tests needed and make interpration of the results for a deep and unhurried dive into the causes of women’s health concerns. (These are tests that would not normally be ordered by your G.P). Katie can obviously advise on the supplements needed, but her skills extend to the detailed dietary and lifestyle advice needed to transform long-term health which exceed my abilities. This may very well involve looking at issues such as blood sugar balance, sleep hygiene, and gut health, going beyond merely looking at progesterone and oestrogen levels, all of which dance together in a subtle balance and synchonricity.

Some of the other areas she has a particular interest include histamine and inflammation issues. I asked Katie for a comments to set out her approach on women’s hormonal health and the following words come from her : –

When it comes to hormone imbalances many factors may be involved which is why spot treatments with supplements alone may not deal with the deeper causes. The real problem is often rooted in issues with blood sugar, inflammation and even the gut. I work to uncover what’s driving the hormone imbalance in the first place. From there I create bespoke nutrition and lifestyle programmes to transform hormonal health. I’m a registered nutritional therapist and health coach and I work with women of all ages experiencing hormone imbalances including PMS, PCOS, perimenopause, endometriosis and thyroid health.

If you are suffering with any of the above, why not book a FREE 30 minute discovery call with her? This is an opportunity to talk about whatever you’ve been struggling with and find out how she can help. To book please email katie.joyce@thefinchleyclinic.com so that she (and we) know that she came through us. She has asked that you do not send case histories by email, as this will be discussed during your free mini-consultation. 

Mark G. Lester & The Vicious Wolf
Director and Overall Clever Cloggs
The Finchley Clinic Ltd
Tel 0345 017 0755