‘C’ the light: Boost your immunity with Vitamin C supplements

We shouldn’t take ‘old wives’ tales’ seriously, should we? Those so-called remedies that keep us clear of getting sick and cure us of ills? We should put our faith in science and evidence-based research when it comes to treatments, right? Well, in general, it’s probably a good idea to ignore hearsay and follow medical and scientific advice, yes, of course; but, having said that, there’s often no smoke without fire.

And the old wives’ tale that you should eat an orange or drink lots of orange juice when you feel the sniffles coming on… well, there’s a lot of truth in it. Why? Because oranges are packed full of Vitamin C and that very super-vitamin is fantastic for fighting colds and flu – and, beyond that, boosting your body’s immunity to bacteria and viruses. Great to know in these troubled times, surely; when we could all do with as strong an immune system as possible to fight the effects of infection.

Also referred to as ascorbic acid, Vitamin C’s a water-soluble nutrient that’s a proven antioxidant and, in part because of that fact, it plays many essential roles in the body, including supporting the immune system. But just how does it manage to do that?

How does Vitamin C boost immunity?

Let’s face it, there are a lot of people out there who believe they can supercharge their immunity – especially if they’re ill – by taking a hyper-dose of Vitamin C. In fact, a name no less prestigious as Linus Pauling, the Nobel Prize-winning chemist responsible for identifying DNA’s double helix, hailed super-doses of the super-vitamin for combating both minor and serious illnesses. So, why is taking Vitamin C such good news for your immune system and for getting over colds, flu and illnesses quicker than would otherwise be the case?

  1. An awesome antioxidant

Evidence corroborates the widely held belief that Vitamin C, if taken regularly, is capable of reducing the length of time you suffer from a cold’s symptoms, by a day or even more. And this is because of its antioxidant abilities. But what does this actually mean?

Well, antioxidants can provide support to the immune system because they naturally protect the body’s cells from harmful free radicals. Plus, Vitamin C’s antioxidant abilities means it can also strengthen the immune system and guard the body from free radical damage. But it doesn’t work as an antioxidant on its own; in the body, it works hard to regenerate other significant antioxidants, including Vitamins A and E, while it happily combines with the latter to deliver a double-vitamin-pronged antioxidant defence.

Although, in terms of taking vitamin C just as a cold or flu begins to develop, in order to lessen the symptoms and stop the illness in its tracks, research results mostly suggest that daily supplementation (pre-illness, if you will) is a better bet.

  1. An excellent protector of cells

When harmful bacteria and viruses find their way into the body, Vitamin C again steps up to the plate by enhancing production of white blood cells; the very cells that play such a critical role in the immune system. Moreover, the vitamin also proves it’s such an effective cell protector by helping the production of collagen (a critical component of bones, muscles, tendons, body tissues, blood vessels, skin and teeth.

And here’s another way this super-vitamin helps boost immunity – it’s collagen that forms and repairs connective tissues inside your digestive system to keep your gut healthy and strong and, of course, a healthy gut leads to a healthy immune system, given it’s in the gut where the microbiome (arguably the basis of the body’s immune defence) resides.

  1. Aids the respiratory system

Evidence also points to Vitamin C being able to ease not just the severity of, but also the likelihood of, experiencing respiratory symptoms. Additionally, it appears that the more Vitamin C consumed, the more effective and efficient the body’s lungs function – not least when a person’s suffering from an illness affecting the respiratory system.

Vitamin C supplements

Now, here comes the catch with Vitamin C… unfortunately, on its own, the body doesn’t produce enough of this nutrient itself, which means you must get it from other sources. Obviously, the natural way to boost your Vitamin C levels is to seek out foods rich in it and add them to your diet; yet, as noted above, the fail-safe way to ensure your immunity benefits from a regular Vitamin C top-up is via supplementation. We stock an extensive range of naturally-derived Vitamin C supplements at The Finchley Clinic, including these popular examples:

Lipolife Liposomal Vitamin C SF Unflavoured (250ml) – offers an absorption rate eight times higher than standard oral Vitamin C supplements

Epigenar Liposomal Vitamin C (60 capsules)  – offers high bioavailability, an absorption rate of almost 100%

True Food Vitamin C (180 tablets) – a particularly gentle-on-the-stomach supplement; also contains citrus bioflavonoids, for additional immune support.