Candizolv Your Candida Away

For the last year or so, we’ve been selling a new product called Candizolv for candida overgrowth, which provides a completely different approach to the more common approaches of using antifungal herbs and probiotics. Although it’s early days we have been getting some very good feedback on it, and we are ready to share the good news with customers. It uses two very specific protein digesting enzymes as it’s core ingredients to literally digest the candida rather than kill it. It does this by digesting the outer cell wall of the candida organism. However it specifically targets the candida wall, and not healthy cell walls of your other cells, as these enzymes have an affinity specifically (and only) for breaking down a particular compound only contained in the candida cell wall called chitin. I have waited for some time to write about it, because it’s relatively pricey, and I wasn’t prepared to say too much about it until we were confident that it got good results, which were consistent enough to justify the cost.

Candizolv is brought to you by Global Health Trax (GHT), who also manufacture Threelac and Fivelac. These two products have been our two most popular candida management products for over 10 years, and they help many people. But individual results do vary with ALL products and Candizolv should be considered by those who are not getting better, and those who are improving, but not improving enough. It is a blend of chitinase, chitosanase and other candida dissolving enzymes in perfect balance that is completely safe and effective against Candida overgrowth.

According to the suppliers : –

  • Candizolv is fat soluble and establishes itself in the fat cells of your body.
  • It is slowly released over time to weaken all fungal yeast cells, no matter where they are within your body.
  • Candizolv need not be taken all the time. One bottle lasts 30 days at 2 capsules per day. Over that first 30 days it stores itself in fat cells and then continues to release in your body for an additional 30 days.
  • Candizolv and Threelac (or Fivelac) together form a complete Candida programme. They kill both the systemic form of the yeast and also attack the fungal factory in the gut.

As with all GHT products, it comes with a 60-day money back guarantee, so if you are unhappy with your purchase, your investment is virtually risk-free. We say virtually risk free, as we do make a small charge to cover our shipping and processing costs (although it does not cover the payment of import tariffs, so we do make a loss on refunds, just a smaller one than if we included these costs too), but the refund is covered to 90% of the order value.

Can Candizolv Cause Die-Off  / Herxheirmer reactions?

We have heard claims (from a company selling a competitor product) that the proteolytic enzyme approach to eradicating candida cannot cause die-off reactions. However we know this is nonsense for two reasons. Firstly because we have had reports ironically from the users of the same competitor product that it did. Secondly, because we know from many years experience that any genuinely robustly anti-candida product that’s any good can and will cause yucky symptoms in some sensitive individuals as the body eliminates the candida. This occurs as result of the extra burden put on the organs of elimination and the immune system. If you are sensitive to die-off reactions, we recommend you to combine Candizolv with Wild Endive Formula – formulated specifically to help mitigate the die-off reaction, and Burbur if necessary for additional effect.

Men’s or Women’s Candida symptoms may include some of the following.

  • Fatigue
  • Brain “fog” -hard to focus or think straight.
  • Oral Thrush (a white film on tongue or in the mouth)
  • Bad breath, foul taste in mouth
  • Abdominal pain
  • Bloating and indigestion
  • Increasing allergies to foods (gluten or celiac problems can be a direct result of Candida overgrowth) more
  • Constant craving for something sweet!
  • Joint pain with arthritis-like symptoms
  • Chronic sinus drainage -which antibiotics don’t help!
  • Weight gain (or loss) and the inability to change it.
  • Fungus on the toe-nails
  • Itching, red eyes
  • Ear drainage
  • Candida Skin rashes on the body (eczema, atopic dermatitis)
  • Candida Rash around the groin or in the folds of skin
  • Anal, penile or vaginal itching
  • Hair loss
  • Vision problems
  • Depression

If you’ve been suffering for a long time, and nothing has helped, try Candizolv (which you can combine with any other anti-candida products), and let us know how you get on. This isn’t stated glibly – we genuinely like to know when people get better….and when they don’t.

Mark G. Lester

Director – The Finchley Clinic Ltd