Category Archives: Harmful Organism Cleanse Kit

Keep Your Colon And Liver Clear: Do They Need Cleansing?

Undeniably, a good deal of our ill-health can be traced to the colon – the large intestine in the digestive system – owing to this being where so many of the harmful toxins and micro-organisms that we consume congregate before they get carried away elsewhere in the body or start doing no good. So taking care of the colon ought to be a top priority for all of us, but how many of us actually do? How many of us even consider doing so? Not enough. Not to put too fine a point on it, keeping your digestive tract in good working order and ensuring your colon’s healthy is crucial – and a regular colon cleanse can go a very long way here. Moreover, you may consider a liver cleanse too; the liver being the utterly crucial organ involved in detoxifying the content that passes through the colon.

The importance of the colon

To understand just why the colon’s so critical to your body and why its upkeep’s so critical to your health, it’s important to appreciate just what it does. To put it crudely, the colon could be considered the waste management station of the human body. As digestion of the food you consume takes place, the left-over, non-nutritious and unnecessary waste products pass from the stomach, via the liver (in charge of detoxification) and into the colon as a conduit on their way to being excreted from the body altogether; that said, important nutrients are still absorbed and hormones produced in the colon while this happens.

All of which means that it’s essential for the colon to be capable of working as efficiently as possible – so many cells and tissues throughout the body (among them again, the liver) rely on this being the case. If not, waste can’t be properly processed and nutrients yet to be absorbed from ‘waste food’ (including the likes of vitamins, electrolytes and even water) won’t be removed from the otherwise digested food for the body to use and so benefit from.

So, the colon isn’t just an organic tunnel that waste passes through on its way to the anus; it also plays an absolutely crucial role in the determination of what nutrients are pulled from food (and redistributed) and what’s discarded along with the waste.

Colon and liver cleanse benefits

As noted then, in order to help the colon and the liver keep themselves in tip-top condition; it’s highly advisable to regularly cleanse them. More specifically, you might do so to clear health-endangering blockages. Like it or not, it’s estimated that the average person has between seven and 10 pounds of pre-existing faecal matter in their colon at any one time – and that’s even the case should they have a regular bowel movement each day.

While that probably doesn’t sound like something you want to ponder on, it’s prudent to note that an accumulation of waste on the colon’s walls creates an ideal environment for parasites, ‘bad’ bacteria, yeast and viruses to set up home and multiply. Plus, waste that’s clogging up the colon means the new waste that ought to be passing into it from the liver is backed up (and here’s why it’s wise to cleanse your liver if you’re considering on cleansing your colon).

Indeed, too often, in a worryingly high proportion of people the detoxification pathways of the liver are essentially blocked. And the trouble with this is that, in time, toxins can build up in them – food for thought, as it were, given that it’s believed the average person’s exposed to more than 120 toxins every day thanks to the food, fluids and water they consume, the personal care products they use, the stress they experience and the air they breathe.

Cleansing the colon and the liver in order to prevent blockage of detoxification pathways is highly advisable then; not least because the latter can potentially lead to what’s known as autointoxication (poisoning by a toxin created in the body). Indeed, one expert even believes so many ‘undesirable consequences’ in the body can be traced back to autointoxication that it’s essentially the cause – as far as the body’s concerned – of many of the today’s illnesses and diseases1.

What undesirable consequences, though? Well, we’re talking symptoms like aching muscles and joints; candida (or a general yeast) infection; congestion; constipation; diarrhoea; difficulty breathing; difficulty concentrating and ‘fuzzy thinking’; eye vision issues; fever; fatigue; flu-like symptoms; hormonal imbalance; insomnia; mucus discharge; vomiting and weight gain. If you find yourself suffering from a good number of these problems and issues at the same time then there’s a chance your liver’s detoxification pathways are blocked and, because of that, you might be suffering from autointoxication.

Autointoxication – the ins and outs

Just to be clear, though; as you’d no doubt assume, autointoxication isn’t an occurrence that’s altogether straightforward – or, at least, its causation isn’t. While blockages in the colon and liver can often be behind the problem, it’s worth bearing in mind there could be other reasons for such toxin trouble in the body. The causes for autointoxication then tend to be one of the following:

  • Blockages backing up waste in the colon – as noted, this causes a traffic jam in the intestinal tract, trailing back to the liver and possibly the kidneys
  • Congestion in the liver – should the liver on its own be blocked up thanks to toxins and, thus, perform sluggishly, it can be further compromised thanks to toxins in the colon enjoying a freer rein and further poisoning the liver, slowing down the liver even more
  • Adrenal fatigue or low thyroid – if you have issues with either (or both) the adrenal glands and/ or the thyroid gland and they’re not producing the hormone levels they ought to be, then it’s almost inevitable your body will become fatigued, resulting in a sluggish colon, constipation and autointoxication; if you’re not sleeping well, it’s bound to have a knock-on effect on the efficacy of these glands as well.

Colon and liver cleanse supplements

So, should you have established you’re suffering from autointoxication thanks to colon (and/ or liver) blockages or you merely suspect your colon and liver are more clogged up than they should be, cleansing them is the answer. In addition to cutting-out junk food, excessive alcohol intake and any recreational drug use (all of which you’re highly advised to do to ensure your gastrointestinal system functions to the best of its ability), you might to take a look at the following cleansing supplements collections available from us at The Finchley Clinic:



GHC Colon Cleanse Kit – a combination of naturally-derived supplements to aid effective and easy cleansing of the colon, featuring the intestinal flora-promoting Oxy-Powder and the excellent probiotic Latero-Flora.


GHC Liver Health Kit – an all-natural approach to cleansing and rejuvenating the liver and gallbladder, which calls on the power of Livatrex to kick-start the organ’s own natural cleansing abilities and Oxy-Powder to facilitate toxin removal, alongside the unique probiotic that’s Latero-Flora.


Harmful Organism Cleanse Kit – designed to flush and cleanse your body of harmful organisms; it includes one bottle of Latero-Flora and two bottles of Paratrex, which aims to help create an environment inhospitable to unwanted organisms.



  1. Jensen, B. ‘Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management’. Escondido. 1981. p 20.

Parasite protection: go-to supplements for ridding your gut of harmful organisms

Bacteria, candida, fungi and viruses – you’ve heard of all them, no doubt. And you’ll likely have some idea of what they are. And the fact that they’re bad for you and can make you ill. But do you know why? And how? And where in the body they can be found?

Collectively, they tend to be referred to as ‘parasites’ and ‘harmful organisms’, which fairly adequately describe what they are and what they do; as they take roost in certain parts of the body, make themselves at home and cause trouble, threatening the body’s effective running and harming your health. Continue reading Parasite protection: go-to supplements for ridding your gut of harmful organisms