Category Archives: Liposomal Glutathione

The grateful eight? 8 top benefits of glutathione to the body

Let’s be honest, the likelihood is you’ve never heard of glutathione. Why should you have? It’s not a vitamin, is it? Well, no. But it is a simple molecule – specifically, a peptide – to be found in every cell in the human body that comprises three amino acids (cysteine, glutamine and glycine). Fair enough; but if it’s as simple as all that, why’s it worthy of mention? Basically, because scientists believe it’s so important to humans and their health that they’ve suggested that the levels of glutathione in the body’s cells are an excellent predictor of life expectancy – that is, how much glutathione you have in your cells may greatly suggest how long you’ll live1, 2. All the more reason to boost your levels of the chemical through natural supplementation so they don’t run too low? Absolutely!

So, what is it about glutathione that makes it so essential to the healthy functioning of the human body? Why is its presence in the body’s cells so significant? Well, the reality is that this little substance helps to do a great many important things – here are eight of the most common and crucial of them…


Benefits of glutathione

  1. Fights oxidative stress

You may have heard of the awesome antioxidant properties of both Vitamins C and E, but don’t doubt it; glutathione is just as impressive and important an antioxidant – not least because it likes nothing more than locating itself right inside cells, the ideal position to do this work1. As an antioxidant then, it plays a critical role in reducing oxidative stress. It removes from the body free radicals and other reactive oxygen species (ROS) and defends against the harmful effects of toxic xenobiotics (such as carcinogens, pollutants and drugs); all of which contributes to protecting the body’s cells and DNA from damage and the body’s systems from deterioration and diseases – including, it’s believed, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and some cancers 1, 2, 3. And, as if that wasn’t enough, it’s also great for helping regenerate other antioxidants; the likes of the aforementioned Vitamins C and E.


  1. Helps anti-aging

Free radicals, mentioned above, can cause much harm in the body because they like to find other health-benefitting molecules with which to pair off and ensure the latter become useless. To that end, among the myriad problems this can cause is the fact it contributes to the aging process – something then that replenished glutathione levels can naturally mitigate against1. Specifically, it’s believed that when glutathione levels are low, the efficacy of the immune system’s compromised, which speeds up the aging process – and the knock-on effect of this is that, as it ages, the body naturally produces less glutathione to keep itself healthy and, yes, ‘younger’1. Plus, it’s been posited that the drop-off in glutathione generation during the menopause may be a factor in why women tend to age dramatically during this time of life1.


  1. May aid brain health

Owing to the fact the brain tends to consume around 20% – that’s one fifth – of the oxygen absorbed into and created in the body, it’s critically important your glutathione levels remain high to ensure reactive oxygen species are detoxified here; indeed, research suggests that unless this takes place effectively the likelihood of the following brain-related diseases increases1:

  • Alzheimer’s disease – in part caused by oxidative stress (proved by the fact that oral Vitamin E intake can slow its progression1, 2), Alzheimer’s is notable for the DNA-binding protein TDP-43 amassing in the nervous system, a result of which is a reduction in glutathione in the body1 (creating then, yes, a vicious circle). That said, glutathione can treat symptoms of the disease – a study proved that in mice, a gluthatione-level-boosting protein increased memory in mice suffering with Alzheimer’s1.


  • Parkinson’s disease – again, in part, brought on by oxidative stress (specifically in the nervous system); Parkinson’s, so research has proved, ensures sufferers experience a deficit of glutathione in a specific part of the brain linked to the disease1.


  • Huntington’s disease – it seems it may also be possible to thwart this disease, once again caused by oxidative stress (in addition to mitochondrial dysfunction)1, in part by increasing the body’s glutathione levels so as to improve mitochondrial health1.


  1. May help fight infections

Reduced levels of glutathione in the body can also worsen the effect of viral infections, as it helps enable the infecting bacteria and parasites to run amok and cause abnormal amounts of oxidative stress in cells1, 2. Moreover, depleted glutathione means, as mentioned, a less effective immune system, which results in more virulent infections and worse inflammation, (certainly, for instance, in the case of influenza, cystic fibrosis, tuberculosis and AIDS)1. Additionally, one study has proved that keeping the body’s amino acid cysteine content (and thus the glutathione content) high, enhances the destruction of harmful, infection-causing mycobacteria1.


  1. May enhance gut health

The glutathione compound, glutathione peroxidase, is a crucial ingredient in the natural renewal of the gut wall (thereby helping to prevent leaky gut, which occurs when the gut wall becomes weakened)1, while it’s known that the peptide also works to protect the intestinal mucosa from harmful alien elements1. Plus, there may be a linkage between glutathione deficiency and the development of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) – its sufferers appear to experience less activity of the enzymes that feature in the glutathione synthesis process and have reduced levels of the glutathione building block, cysteine1.


  1. May help prevent heart disease

Research has showed that an increased risk of heart attack can be linked to deficient amounts of both systemic and cardiac glutathione, as well as reduced activity of glutathione peroxidase in the body1, 2, 3, while cardiovascular disease is, to a large extent, the result of oxidative stress traced to the heart tissues (itself far less likely to take place, as is a stroke, if a body contains healthily high levels of glutathione with all its antioxidant duties1).


  1. May treat diabetic problems

There’s a very strong linkage between the accumulation of free radicals in the body and many harmful complications connected to type-2 diabetes (cardiovascular issues and neurodegeneration); thus, increased glutathione intake can definitely limit (if nor prevent) these complications1. Indeed, as with Alzheimer’s disease (above), a vicious circle can be created via glutathione deficiency and type-2 diabetes as, while the former can help cause the latter, type-2 diabetes and high blood sugar go on to reduce the body’s glutathione content1.


  1. May combat rheumatoid arthritis symptoms

Finally, not only has research suggested that antioxidant mechanisms may be compromised in the bodies of rheumatoid arthritis sufferers, but also that – unsurprisingly – their glutathione levels may be significantly lower than average1; to match the high demand their bodies have for the chemical then, it more than makes sense to top up their glutathione levels via supplementation.


Glutathione supplements

That said, as should now be clear, it makes perfect sense for everybody to try and ensure their glutathione levels are healthily high – so many potential ailments are its deficiency linked to. But how might you go about this? Naturally-derived supplementation is the answer – rather than any unnecessarily artificial alternative. By all means, take a look at the ‘Glutathione’ page on our website to check out the range of products available through us at The Finchley Clinic, which includes the following three examples:

Liposomal Glutathione – supplies the body’s primary detoxifier via a state-of-the-art supplement development process resulting in an extremely highly absorbable form of the chemical.

Epigenar Glutathione HPU – offers a reduced form of glutathione, but in a supplement also comprising zinc, magnesium, Vitamin B6, manganese, selenium, copper SOD and catalase.

Super Antioxidant Protection – a powerful formula that delivers the key antioxidant nutrients that are Vitamins C and E and glutathione, in addition to the key glutathione building-block N-acetyl cysteine as well as Vitamin B2, zinc, manganese and selenium.



  1. Kern J. K., Geier D. A., Adams J. B., Garver C. R., Audhya T. and Geier M. R. ‘A clinical trial of glutathione supplementation in autism spectrum disorders’. Med Sci Monit. 2011; 17 (12): CR677–682. Published online 2011 Dec. doi:  10.12659/MSM.882125.
  2. Cascella R., Evangelisti E., Zampagni M., Becatti M., D’Adamio G., Goti A., Liguri G., Fiorillo C. and Cecchi C. ‘S-linolenoyl glutathione intake extends life-span and stress resistance via Sir-2.1 upregulation in Caenorhabditis elegans’. Free Radic Biol Med. 2014 Aug; 73: 127-35. doi: 10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2014.05.004. Epub 2014 May.
  3. Perricone C., De Carolis C. and Perricone R. ‘Glutathione: a key player in autoimmunity’. Autoimmun Rev. 2009 Jul; 8 (8): 697-701. doi: 10.1016/j.autrev.2009.02.020. Epub 2009 Feb 13.


The Detoxification Lowdown: Removing Toxins from Your Body Naturally

Chances are you’ve heard of toxins. And if you’ve heard of toxins you’ll have probably have heard of detoxification – which, in simple terms, is the practice of removing toxins from the body. A large array of different illnesses can be caused by the consumption and absorption of toxins – or toxic substances – into the body. To that end then, detoxification is all about reducing the opportunity for these ailments and conditions to develop or, should they have already developed, treating them via a number of tests and techniques – many of the latter ideally being derived from natural sources.

What can detoxification do for you?

As noted then, giving your body a detox may prove to be of great benefit should you suffer from one or more of many varied chronic diseases or conditions. What sort of ailments are we talking about here? Well, everything from diabetes to digestive disorders; high cholesterol to low blood-sugar levels; allergies to arthritis; anxiety to depression; and obesity to chronic infections. Essentially, the reason for this is because all these conditions are likely to be – whether you’re aware of it or not – influenced by environmental factors. Of course, some people can be exposed to high levels of toxic substances due to their occupation and living arrangement or merely by accident, but unfortunately in today’s world, billions of us are increasingly being exposed to more and more toxins on a daily basis.

Furthermore, if you’re a long-time sufferer of immunity issues or one or more allergies then there’s a good chance that detoxification – via testing and a resultant toxin cleanse – could do you a lot of good. Indeed, it may be that in these cases, conventional modern, synthetic medicine has both failed to correctly diagnose and successfully treat exactly what’s wrong with you – the likes of chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple chemical sensitivity, environmental illness or fibromyalgia (a body-wide pain-causing condition that also inhibits mental/ memory function). Symptoms to such conditions are obviously very varied, but together commonly include allergic reactions, hypersensitivity to commonplace chemicals and materials, insomnia, reduced resistance to infection, low-grade fever, insomnia, aches and pains and intolerance to particular food ingredients. If you find yourself often – or simultaneously – suffering from these symptoms, don’t doubt it; detoxification could well help.

The origins of detoxification

As you may have guessed, the idea of purifying the body of harmful things that find their way into it isn’t new. Civilisations have for centuries believed in, nay sworn by their versions of detoxification. Indeed, in the practice of medicine across the millennia, fasting has been deployed as a ‘purifying’ technique since the year dot – the ‘father’ of Western medicine, the ancient Greek visionary Hippocrates (on whose name modern doctors take their oath), highly recommended fasting.

You may also be aware that detoxification traditionally plays a prominent role in so-called alternative medicine – much of whose philosophy and techniques are derived from those of age-old civilisations. And now, conventional medicine is also waking up to the power of cleansing the body of toxins and detoxification benefits; appreciating, as it now does, the influential role environmental factors play in a worryingly high number of ailments. Asthma, chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple chemical sensitivity and, indeed, cancer are all examples of such illnesses that are often attributable to (multiple) toxin or allergen exposure. Believe it or not, the United States’ Centers for Disease Control now claims that the cause behind more than eight in every 10 illnesses lies in environmental or lifestyle factors.

It’s not the just the experts who are waking up to the positive power of detox, however; increasingly so large numbers of the public are too. For instance, more and more people are seeking to rid their bodies of ‘heavy metal’ poisoning via detoxification. The toxicity of ‘heavy metals’, including arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury, can do untold damage to the human body.

Toxin bioaccumulation

Meanwhile, through media coverage, people are becoming ever more aware of the dangers posed by synthetic agriculture chemicals, which find their way not just into the food we eat, but also the water we drink and even the air we breathe in. There’s much debate over genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in crops, but the use of pesticides and herbicides in agriculture is far from diminishing – in the US alone, almost 4.5kg of the stuff is in the food supply, per person per year.

To that end, it’s become almost impossible to avoid the toxins present in much of the food, drink and more we consume everyday. The pesticides and herbicides sprayed on crops aren’t just present in these crops then, but in the fatty tissue of animals that feed on them and these animals, like it or not, tend also to be injected with synthetic hormones and antibiotics; all of which we, as human beings at the top of the food chain, readily consume. So we’re exposed to the full gamut of harmful chemicals added at the different stages of the agricultural process. Experts refer to this as a bioaccumulation of toxins – and it’s precisely this that, over the years, can cause ailments like asthma, chronic fatigue, hypersensitivity to various chemicals and more. All of which means then that people by the barrel-load are turning to detoxification treatment.

Detoxification treatment

So what does detoxification actually involve? The term ‘toxin cleanse’ has cropped up in this article already, but there are one or two things that should take place before the cleansing proper begins. The first all-important step should be eliminating exposure to as many toxic and/ or allergenic substances and materials as possible. Ideally, this should be informed by tests carried out by a trained healthcare professional. That said (as mentioned above), if conventional medicine and its application has failed to pinpoint the actual cause for a sufferer’s ailments then they might conclude to just start eliminating, one by one, as many toxic sources in their life and the environment around them as they can – as Sherlock Holmes opined, once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth!

So, in this scenario, what should you seek to cut out of your everyday experience? Well, think along the lines of heavy metals and other potentially harmful chemicals you come into contact with; that includes then radiation sources (microwaves and x-rays, for instance); polluted water; pesticide- and herbicide-rich food; unnecessary synthetic medication and drugs; caffeine and alcohol; and perfume and scents. The sort of thinking you should apply here extends even to your teeth – do you have fillings? Depending on your age they may have trace levels of harmful mercury; if so, look to have them removed.

Having taken these steps then, you can now move on to the toxin cleanse. First of all, this takes the form of dietary alterations. Switching to a better all-round diet focused on fresh (preferably) organic food and definitely cutting out sugar-heavy, saturate-fat-packed foods is highly advisable, but adopting specific foods here will also aid detoxification (often those that are high in fibre and low in fat; raw vegetable- and fruit-based foods usually get a big up-tick). It’s best to check with a nutritionist and ask them what they advise for you personally.

Detoxification supplements

The second element in your toxin cleanse could well be naturally-derived nutritional supplements crammed full of vitamins and minerals – and so the amino acids, essential fatty acids and antioxidants that are brilliant for driving the flushing out of the digestive and gastrointestinal systems. It’s common among those seeking detox-focused products to go for those that will aid a liver cleanse or a kidney cleanse, or both; it’s an excellent idea, certainly. For starters, though, you may want to take a look at the ‘Detoxification’ section of our website – indeed, by way of example; at The Finchley Clinic we sell (among many detox-promoting products) the following supplements:


Burbur-Pinella – a synergistic combination of the plant extracts Burbur (great for blood, kidney, liver and lymphatic system detoxification) and Pinella (for detoxing the nerves in the brain of aluminium and mercury and supporting the immune system).


Liposomal Glutathione – supporting detoxification, immune health and skin health, the chemical Liposomal is the body’s primary detoxifier and a potent antioxidant; it’s provided in this supplement via the latest, state-of-the-art technique to ensure product stability.


ORËÁ – a whole-body supplement that aims to remove environmental toxins such as biotoxins, heavy metals and solvents from the blood, organs, glands and cellular tissue.

Glorious glutathione: ace antioxidant, detoxifier and immunity booster

You may not be aware of it, but there’s a substance – available as a supplement – that’s said not just to act as an effective antioxidant and an efficient detoxifier, but also a first-rate immunity booster. The blurb’s in no doubt that glutathione’s the bee’s knees; it can aid the body in its efforts to put right damage from ageing, infection, injury, pollution, radiation, stress and trauma. But can it really do all this? Is it really that good?

Well, tiny molecule though it is, some experts believe that glutathione is the most important – and one of the most effective – antioxidants in the entire human body because it naturally likes to reside in every cell1. This means that when the body has to fight infection, repair damage from injuries or burns and tackle the ageing process, glutathione is right there on hand to get on with the job; it’s already on the front line, as it were, in the body’s cells where the work has to be done.

Not least in the cells of the immune system, of course, whose responsibility it is to fight infection and disease and prevent the body from getting ill from them in the first place – as much as possible1. Moreover, it’s believed glutathione plays an important role in aiding the liver to extract harmful chemicals like drugs and pollutants1.

Antioxidant Function

A naturally occurring amino acid, glutathione tends to play a pivotal antioxidant role in not just humans, but plants, fungi, animals and a number of bacteria and archaea (single-celled micro-organisms). Throughout the planet’s flora and fauna then it’s called on to deploy its antioxidant properties to neutralise damaging reactive oxygen species like peroxides, lipid peroxides, heavy metals and free radicals2.

Free radicals are, of course, the single-electron molecules that can notoriously cause havoc in the cells of human bodies, searching for other molecules for another electron with which to pair their own. Thus, as glutathione already exists in the cells it gets immediately and importantly called on to do this work. Some of the best known and most effective antioxidants are Vitamins C and E, but as the experts point out, it only seems fair to add glutathione to this list.

Further Benefits

Thanks to its properties and propensity for locating itself inside cells, glutathione – as mentioned above – can have a big positive effect on your overall health. Its antioxidant, detoxifying and immunity-boosting nature is believed to ensure it throws itself into battling practically any infection or disease, especially those that have anything to do with the ageing process (free radicals can cause many old age-related diseases, after all)1. Indeed, medical professionals have called on people to consume additional glutathione for a roster of major conditions; the likes of Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, cataracts, high blood pressure, infertility and Parkinson’s disease1.

Moreover, it’s generally acknowledged that severe, life-threatening conditions, such as acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), can be in part treated by boosting the glutathione levels in the body; as you may have guessed, an AIDS sufferer is bound to have depleted levels of the substance, among the many other issues and symptoms they face1. Right now, the reasons why glutathione levels plummet in this scenario aren’t clear and understood, but experts are in no doubt of the substance’s critical role in maintaining intracellular health; in other words, glutathione benefits ensure cells run smoothly and efficiently.

Glutathione Sources – Diet and Supplements

As you’d have guessed, glutathione’s abundance in the cells of so much flora and fauna means it occurs naturally in many types of food, especially organic fruits and vegetables. Thus, those who maintain a balanced, high quality diet are likely to receive the right sort of glutathione levels from their food. However, if you find yourself suffering from one of the aforementioned illnesses, conditions or diseases associated with deficiency of the substance, then you might well conclude that natural supplementation to boost your levels makes for a sensible, effective course of action.

There are a number of well-regarded glutathione supplements on the market, two of the very best, both available through us at The Finchley Clinic, are:

liposomal-glutathioneLiposomal Glutathione – one of a new class of bio-available supplements produced using nano-particle technology (which ensures much higher absorption of its contents than that of similar supplements); supports detoxification, immune and skin health.


Reduced_GlutathioneBioCare Reduced Glutathione– comprises a reduced form of the amino acid; some believe that in its reduced form glutathione’s more biologically active.




1. ‘Glutathione: New Supplement on the block’. 30 July 2001.

2. Pompella A., Visvikis A., Paolicchi A., Tata V. and Casini A. F. ‘The changing faces of glutathione, a cellular protagonist’. Biochemical Pharmacology. 66 (8): 1499–503. doi: 10.1016/S0006-2952(03)00504-5. Oct 2003.