Category Archives: LIV-D

Is Your Liver Overloaded? Foods and Supplements for a Liver Cleanse

There’s no getting away from it; in the West we simply eat too much junk food, fried food, processed food and, well, too much food in general. Our diets, in the main, aren’t as healthy as they could be; they’re not as healthy as they should be. Many of us like to ignore this fact and so just don’t think about it – so long as we’re adding the odd healthy option to our diet here and there and passing waste successfully, what does it matter? Plenty, potentially. One of the problems is that we don’t consider the daily pressure we’re putting on our livers. And, don’t doubt it; this is bad news, as it’s the liver whose primary job it is to detoxify the food we consume. Continue reading Is Your Liver Overloaded? Foods and Supplements for a Liver Cleanse