Category Archives: Vein support supplements

In the Right Vein: How to look After your Arteries and Veins

Of all the parts of the body, our arteries and veins may be one of those we take most for granted. There they are under our skin, sometimes visible, other times not, transporting the blood (and, in it, all the oxygen, vitamins, minerals, nutrients and more we need to survive and stay healthy, as well as the harmful entities like carbon dioxide so they can be expelled from the body). Yes, they’re just doing their job, while we get on with our lives and, for the most part, ignore them.

But should we take them for granted; let alone ignore them? Well, usually, as long as we’re in good health, looking after ourselves in general via a decent, balanced diet and getting regular exercise, we shouldn’t have too much trouble on the vein front. Yet, occasionally, it’s sensible to think about the welfare of the vascular system; about how important it is to maintain artery and vein integrity. After all, it’s the arteries and veins that are the highways of our bodies; like motorways, should they become clogged up or damaged, things begin to grind to a halt. And we can end up getting ill – potentially seriously.

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