NADH for depression

NADH for Depression – and what you can do about it

NADH for depression

The following  short article is translated with a number of amendments from a post by Jorg Birkmayer, Professor Of Medicine at the University of Vienna talking about the wonderful natural substance NADH for depression..

Sleeplessness, low energy, inability to concentrate, anxiety, are the main symptoms of depression. In Germany more than 8 million people suffer from depression. The tendency is increasing. There is
enormous damage to the economy of any country caused by depression.

Depression occurs due to of lack of energy in the brain due to high level of work demands and certain medications like cholesterol drugs, beta blocker, antibiotics, antidepressants, sex hormones etc.

Any of these medications can instigate depression. Due to lack of energy in the brain, important neurotransmitters, like adrenalin, serotonin, and dopamine are not produced in the necessary quantity. People feel ‘burned out’. Therefore, burnt-out-syndrome is considered the precursor for depression. The batteries are empty and need to be recharged. The question is: how can we do this?

The brain consumes one-third of all the energy produced by our body. Therefore, an energy deficiency is first detected in the brain. Attention deficit, weaknesses in focusing, and prolonged reaction times are all caused by too little ATP in the brain. A long term energy deficiency in the brain leads to a shortage of the neurotransmitters, noradrenaline, dopamine, and serotonin. If this condition persists for a long period of time, symptoms of depression such as loss of drive, sleep disturbances, hypochondria, and anxiety will develop. NADH stimulates the biosynthesis of these neurotransmitters.

NADH is a substance that is produced by the body and is the secret of our life energy. This substance is available as a food supplement for everybody whoever is in need of energy.  Example include athletes, older people, people with chronic fatigue, travelers wishing to alleviate jet-lag, those who need to improve mental concentration.

Taking NADH for depression & energy

1-2 tablets per day is usually sufficient to do the trick in those who respond well to this nutrient. It must be taken under the tongue (sublingually) and allowed to dissolve there, otherwise it won’t work.  In other words, do not chew or swallow it. This dosage often works extremely well for chronic fatigue, or any other form of energy loss, and supports the adenal glands

You can purchase and learn more about NADH here