MegaHydrate: boosting hydration and eradicating free radicals from your cells

You’ve no doubt heard of the importance of making sure your body’s rich in antioxidants (via eating highly healthy foods or taking specific supplements), given their ability to combat and eradicate the hugely harmful toxins known as ‘free radicals’ from the body. But among all the ways to ensure you get a high concentration of antioxidants, what’s the actual best way to go about it?

Well, have you ever heard of MegaHydrate? This naturally-derived, non-synthetic supplement is specifically manufactured to be one of the most effective antioxidant sources on the planet – which means it’s likely to help deliver a variety of significant health benefits.

And what makes MegaHydrate so potent is that it’s more than 100 times as powerful and, thus, effective at eliminating free radicals than simple plant-derived antioxidants like the Vitamins C and E and grape seed and green tea extracts (although, of course, MegaHydrate is a naturally-derived and non-synthetic supplement itself).

Indeed, the people behind the supplement put, to a large extent, MegaHydrate’s impressiveness down to two things. First, it’s a highly-concentrated source of negatively-charged hydrogen ions, ensuring its oxidation reduction potential (ORP) is low, which means it’s pretty much guaranteed to donate electrons within the body’s cells, thus, enhancing the fight against free radicals.

And, second, there’s the fact MegaHydrate contains the chemical silica hydride; the manufacturers claim this is the only antioxidant compound in existence that doesn’t seek to become a pro-oxidant following the donating of its electrons as it does its all-important work. Instead, it merges with other hydrogen-based atoms to create a gas that’s totally harmless or with hydrogen and oxygen atoms to simply produce water. As such, in no way could it be said to contribute to oxidisation in cells, following completion of its antioxidation work; all in all, then, ensuring it’s a highly effective antioxidant.


MegaHydrate benefits

In more detail then, for those who purchase and use MegaHydrate regularly, it can afford them the following health benefits:

  • May help slow down ageing – owing to its advanced hydration properties, the supplement’s likely to increase moisture throughout the body, resulting in a healthier, more youthful appearance on the outside; not least for skin, hair and fingernails


  • Enables faster hydration in cells – the waters in streams, rivers and lakes located in high elevated areas around the globe, such as Ecuador, Pakistan and the Alpine region of Europe, are famed for their health benefits, the thinking being that these benefits are due to the specific structure of frozen glacier water; as such, MegaHydrate is specifically manufactured to mimic this water structure and reap its benefits because this ‘type’ of water doesn’t need to be absorbed into cells but seamlessly enters them, which enables rapid hydration, faster uptake of nutrients and quicker eradication of toxins in the cells


  • Boosts hydration among low water drinkers – as people age they tend to drink less water because they naturally lose the desire to do so as much; however, as ageing adults replace drinking water with tea, coffee, soda and energy drinks, they’re actually ensuring they became less hydrated and may encounter negative effects, something that MegaHydrate can obviously help redress


  • Increases oxygen content in cells – instead of driving cells together, MegaHydrate’s make-up of negative atoms pushes them apart, enabling more fluidity in the lymph system that results in more oxygen filling the body’s cells; this too has been noted to be able to help the liver in eradicating toxins


  • Combating the effects of caffeine and alcohol – the always popular tea and coffee are full of caffeine, yet this chemical’s a stimulant and liable not just to contribute to dehydration, but also bring on headaches and dizziness, as well as insomnia, anxiety and stress (in worst-case scenarios); MegaHydrate’s effective, though, in combating the effects that can be caused by high consumption of both caffeine and alcohol


  • Drives up zeta potential in cells – MegaHydrate’s singular among supplements in that it’s so effective in boosting the charge and stability within cells, as well as the space between blood cells (what’s called ‘zeta potential’), the result of which is there’s more surface area for blood cells and for the goodness from the supplement’s hydrating water, as well as more space to aid the exclusion of harmful toxins like bacteria, fungi, pollutants and viruses


  • Increases antioxidant levels – so potent are Megahydrate’s antioxidant properties that it’s possibly even better in this respect than superfoods like fruit juices, green tea, leafy vegetables and wheat grass; don’t doubt it, the importance of antioxidants and their free-radical-combating activities are underlined by the fact experts have linked them to improved energy, memory, sight and hearing and reduced likelihood of developing chronic disease


  • Preservative for juices – finally, MegaHydrate can also be deployed as a preservative when keeping fresh fruit and vegetable juices in the fridge; adding a mere, single capsule of the supplement to any juice should maintain the latter’s nutritional goodness (or ‘redox potential’) for as long as a week.


MegaHydrate supplements

So, where can you get your eager hands on MegaHydrate? Why, through us at The Finchley Clinic, of course. Indeed, the following three versions of the supplement are currently all available at special offer prices:

MegaHydrate – as noted, this naturally-derived, dietary supplement offers profound anti-ageing and energy boosting properties and, as an antioxidant, is claimed to be 800% more effective than other products and foods.

MegaHydrate Powder – a powder form of the supplement, which is actually better value for money than the original, as each bottle contains 50g compared to the 18g per bottle the above version offers

Crystal Energy – a great supplement that’s intimately associated with MegaHydrate and ideal to take along with it; by adding Crystal Energy to the water you drink, it will ensure the water actually alkalises the body, thus augmenting the hydrating and antioxidising effects of MegaHydrate.