Oxy-Powder: the potent colon cleansing supplement

Did you know that, by the time they’ve reached 40-years-old, the average human being carries around between 10 and 20 pounds of hard, compacted faecal matter in their intestinal tract? And this is an accumulation of waste matter whose passing isn’t aided by bowel movements; it remains lodged in the person’s gut irrespective of how regular or successful their bowel movements might (appear to) be.

In part, the trouble here is the size of the intestinal tract; being 25-30 feet in length (effectively, its surface area could cover that of a tennis court – yes, really), the gut is an enormously long tunnel within the body, undoubtedly long enough for such a large mass of waste matter, as described above, to simply become stuck and potentially block it up.

So, what’s the answer? Well, the simple truth is that in such a situation, the intestinal tract – the colon – requires cleansing of this obstructive faecal matter. And to do this truly effectively, this solid compaction of waste ought to be cleansed in such a way that it’s turned into a liquid or gas.

What happens if you don’t cleanse your gut?

Now, of course, cleansing one’s intestinal tract isn’t a practice that might come naturally to you; it’s not a practice that’s embedded in our culture. And yet, it’s far from an unnatural thing to do – it’s been perfectly natural in many civilisations down through the ages to follow a diet that’s beneficial for colon health and aids in cleansing the tract of built-up faecal matter (for instance, a diet rich in raw fruits and vegetables).

And, don’t doubt it; maintaining such a diet or (in more modern terms) engaging in a colon cleanse is advantageous because not doing so could lead to the development of, or help fuel, a long list of complaints; some relatively minor and unpleasant, others more serious. We’re talking here the likes of back pain; bloating; body odour; diarrhoea; constipation (regular or occasional); halitosis (bad breath); headaches; a lack of energy; reduced appetite; a weakened immune system and weight issues.

Dietary improvements

So, as mentioned above, taking positive steps towards a healthier, gut-friendlier diet is highly advised if you want to achieve a colon-cleansing effect and, definitely, if you want what you put in your mouth to be easier on your digestive system and your intestinal tract as it makes its way through your body, before – its good nutrients removed – it’s excreted as waste.

To that end, the aforementioned raw fruits and vegetables (ideally live and organic), lean meat (poultry and fish), pasta and whole grain breads, and berries and nuts are recommended foods to work into your diet, with a view to eventually making them the cornerstones of your diet. A more balanced diet like this will prove so much more helpful for your gut because, among other things, it will promote the elimination of toxins from your body quickly. Indeed, for even better results, you should try to remember to also drink purified water – and a good deal of it!

Oxy-Powder – another option

However, should you feel you’d like more help to achieve a colon cleanse, in addition to or (perhaps due to food intolerances) in place of making dietary changes, then you might fancy going the supplementation route. Our advice here is to give the naturally-derived, oxygen-based supplement that’s Oxy-Powder a try. Offering a truly unique combination of ozone-oxygenated magnesium and citric acid, Oxy-Powder operates as an all-natural oxygen colon cleanser that can safely relieve the bloating and constipation symptoms that are so associated with colon problems.

More than this, though, Oxy-Powder is specifically designed to target a toxic colon to help ensure that the deep-seated waste in the gut and intestinal system is dissolved into liquid or gas. This takes place via an impressively realised method of time-released oxygen throughout the gut – the released oxygen generating an oxidation/ reduction reaction, liquefying the waste (or making it gaseous) so it’s excreted far easier and, thereby, resulting in an intestinal environment that becomes less prone to impurities, toxins and harmful bacteria taking root.

And here are a few further reasons to turn to Oxy-Powder for an effective colon cleanse:

  • Oxy-Powder contains oxygen as its critical ingredient, as opposed to harmful herbs that can damage the delicate intestinal lining.
  • A colon cleanse via Oxy-Powder doesn’t force you to take time off from work, nor does it interrupt your daily schedule
  • It promotes intestinal harmony, while aiding the growth of ‘good bacteria’ (probiotics)
  • It seeks to cleanse the whole digestive tract; not just the colon
  • By reducing uncomfortable bloating, Oxy-Powder should also help flatten your stomach!

In actual fact, so much do we recommend Oxy-Powder as an excellent supplement solution for colon cleansing, we advise those who want a fully satisfying cleanse of the intestinal system to try pairing this product with the supplement Latero-Flora, in the shape of the GHC Colon Cleanse Kit.


Combined together in this kit, these two products’ beneficial work is enhanced as they seek to cleanse the body’s small intestine, large intestine and colon of toxins and impacted faecal matter; flushing out and neutralising toxins in the digestive tract to restore its colonies of beneficial, probiotics; thus, supporting healthy digestion, boosting wellbeing and strengthening the body’s own natural defences.