Running out of patience with the runs? How to prevent and treat diarrhoea

It’s far from a pleasant subject and it may not be particularly enticing to read about, but it’s well worth looking into if you’re a regular sufferer – yes, diarrhoea. The term is generally defined as the passing of stool that’s of liquid consistency more than three times in a day.

Like it or not, diarrhoea can strike all ages of people at any point in their lives. On average, adults tend to experience the condition up to four times a year, but it usually clears up on its own after a day or two. This form is considered acute or short-term diarrhoea; it generally doesn’t go on for more than three weeks. However, chronic or long-term diarrhoea’s a different matter, as it can pose a serious threat your health, likely being symptomatic of other problems. Chronic diarrhoea then lasts longer than three weeks and, as you may have guessed, is often related to bowel function disorders.


Diarrhoea causes

There are a number of potential causes of diarrhoea; while some tend to be short-lived, other are usually more prolonged and often more severe and/ or serious:

  • Bacterial infections enter the body when ingested via tainted food or water; common bacteria responsible for bringing on diarrhoea include salmonella, campylobacter, Escherichia coli (E. coli), and Shigella


  • Hepatitis and rotavirus are viral infections that may be identifiable because of diarrhoea; other such viral infections are Norwalk, cytomegalovirus and herpes simplex viruses


  • Basic intolerance to specific foods may also result in diarrhoea, often the likes of food colouring, milk sugar (lactose) and other additives can be culprits


  • Parasites (microscopic organisms) present in food or water consumed into the digestive system; these include Giardia lamblia, Cryptosporidium and Entamoeba histolytica


  • Sadly, some medications for the likes of blood pressure, such as antibiotic and antacid medications that contain magnesium, can be causes


  • Bowel disorders including celiac disease and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)


  • Finally, surgeries including gallbladder removal and stomach surgery can be culprits; like it or not, they tend to throw things out of balance in the digestive system, at least for a time, thus in most cases things settle down and the diarrhoea passes following a successful operation.


Preventing diarrhoea

You can take steps yourself to prevent experiencing diarrhoea by avoiding both greasy and fibrous foods and foods that are particularly sweet. Also, try to cut down or completely cut out dairy products; they can be major aggravators of diarrhoea.

While you’re experiencing a diarrhoea bout, aim for a mostly liquid-based intake before slowly returning to soft foods such as plain rice and bananas. And, of course, don’t forget to chew food thoroughly – after all, this is the first part of the digestion process!

You might also try one or more diarrhoea supplements; several are available through us at The Finchley Clinic; they’re very well received by our customers for bowel calm, but specifically for helping with diarrhoea we suggest…

Saccharomyces boulardii – currently on special offer, it’s internationally acclaimed as the number one probiotic for diarrhoea, to help reduce discomfort and urgency and to restore control and regular bowel movements; a completely natural probiotic, it offers support for fast-acting bowel calm, comfort and control when needed most.

Is exercise the answer? Tips for stimulating your libido

Let’s face it; sexual disfunction’s an issue that doesn’t suffer from a lack of attention. It’s talked about a great deal in both health circles and the media. Yet, for those of a certain age (or those not) and those who suddenly find it’s something they’re suffering from, do they actually have the first idea how they might try to improve or even return their sexual desire?

Well, one of the best ways to stimulate your libido is to fall back on that old-fashioned way of stimulating the rest of your body – exercise! Here are some specific suggestions…


  • General exercise – impotency can be significantly helped by getting moving; those who take erectile dysfunction medication appear to reap best results when they combine it with exercise and this seems to have been proved by a study among men on hormone suppression therapy (to treat prostate cancer), as test subjects who exercised more than those who didn’t claimed they were more sexually active1


  • Women ought to exercise too – it’s not just about men in this regard, as unsurprisingly women suffering from depression and antidepressant side-effects can lose sexual desire; however, women’s physical response to and enjoyment of sexual activity appears to be enhanced thanks to exercise2


  • Exercising the mind – yes, mind over matter; a study that looked into perceived sexual stimulation (which used 128 women and 98 men as test cases) found that mental activity based around sexual imagination aided in the stimulation of arousal in every case3


  • Deep-breathing and stretching – sounds simple, doesn’t it? It is; merely taking the time and effort to deploy a spot of deep-breathing and stretching can also increase sexual drive and satisfaction4


  • Kegel exercises – essentially easy-to-perform floor exercises involving contraction and relaxation of pelvic muscles5, they’re great for affording these muscles a decent work-out and strengthening the lower abdomen’s muscles; they’re often highly recommended for women on the cusp of giving birth and for men seeking to regain specific muscle control following prostate removal, so no surprise then they can also enhance muscle performance for both sexes during intercourse


  • Go for a walk (especially on a nice day) – sure, this one might sound silly, basically owing to its simplicity, yet getting out of doors and ensuring you and your body’s able to absorb some marvellous health-giving sunlight can genuinely (so research proves) help increase sexual desire in both men and women6. Why? Because sunlight, thanks to its stimulation of Vitamin D synthesis and neurotransmitter function in the body, has the uncanny knack of driving up both energy generation and alertness.


  • Try a libido supplement – finally, failing all else (or perhaps in combination with all the above suggestions; why not?), men may like to try an entirely naturally-derived supplement revered for its delivery of good results when it comes to increased libido; available from The Finchley Clinic, we suggest Androtrex, which is designed to assist the male body in regulating proper hormone balance to generate superior vitality and normal libido and sexual drive.




  1. Cormie P., Newton R. U., Taaffe D. R., Spry N., Joseph D., Akhlil Hamid M. and Galvão D. A. ‘Exercise maintains sexual activity in men undergoing androgen suppression for prostate cancer: a randomized controlled trial’. Prostate Cancer Prostatic Dis. 2013 Jun; 16 (2): 170-5. doi: 10.1038/pcan.2012.52.
  2. Lorenz T. A. and Meston C. M. ‘Acute exercise improves physical sexual arousal in women taking antidepressants’. Ann Behav Med. 2012 Jun; 43(3): 352-61. doi: 10.1007/s12160-011-9338-1.
  3. Goldey K. L. and van Anders S. M. ‘Sexual arousal and desire: interrelations and responses to three modalities of sexual stimuli’. J Sex Med. 2012 Sep; 9(9): 2315-29. doi: 10.1111/j.1743-6109.2012.02845.x.
  4. Bay R., Ismail S. B., Zahiruddin W. M. and Arifin W. N. ‘Effect of combined psycho-physiological stretching and breathing therapy on sexual satisfaction’. BMC Urol. 2013 Mar 25; 13: 16. doi: 10.1186/1471-2490-13-16.
  5. Bridgeman B. and Roberts S. G. ‘The 4-3-2 method for Kegel exercises’. Am J Mens Health. 2010 Mar; 4(1): 75-6. doi: 10.1177/1557988309331798.
  6. Kontula O. and Väisälä L. ‘How does summer affect sexual desire?’. Duodecim. 2013; 129 (13): 1375-8.

Megadeath to heavy metals: what detox via supplements can do for you

If you try to follow the latest advice and trends in the health world then you won’t fail to have noticed the term ‘detox’ crops up an awful lot. So much so, it might be said to be something of a health buzzword. It means, of course, attempting to remove unhealthy foreign entities that are clogging up parts of your body – and can be undertaken in a variety of ways. Fasting, eating more greens, sipping apple cider and taking high-quality supplements; you name it, you truly can run the gamut in order to detox yourself. But detox yourself of what exactly? You may have heard people undergoing a detox to cleanse their intestines, livers and kidneys, but have you ever heard of someone detoxing heavy metals? It’s far from a bad idea, to say the least – and has absolutely nothing to do with avoiding listening to hard rock music.


What exactly are heavy metals?

Basically, heavy metals can be described as dense (semi-)metallic elements that occur naturally in the earth’s soil and find their way into water sources. That said; there are numerous man-made heavy metals too. It ought to be noted that certain heavy metals aren’t hazardous to the human body in small doses (in fact, within these terms, the body actually needs them), but truly hazardous examples like cadmium, lead and mercury can quite happily bioaccumulate; meaning they’re absorbed by the body faster than it can rid itself of them.

So, exactly which heavy metals are we talking about here and what sources do they come from; what modern materials/ foods/ products are responsible for giving rise to them…?

  • aluminium (cookware and deodorants)
  • arsenic (eggs and poultry)
  • bismuth (make-up)
  • cadmium (batteries, cigarettes, coffee and hydrogenated oils)
  • lead (auto exhausts and building materials)
  • mercury (contact lens solution, dental fillings and seafood)
  • thallium (gasoline)

Evidently then, reducing your exposure to the likes of meats, low-quality seafood and hydrogenated oils and trying to use natural deodorants and beauty products will help you to avoid consuming these dangerous heavy metals. But what can you do if and when you do consume them? Well, first, let’s take a look at what they actually do in the body to understand why they should be avoided and a detox attempted…


What do heavy metals do in the body?

So, in simple terms, the 23 toxic heavy metals in existence, once inside the human body, are adept at interrupting normal cellular processes. They achieve this thanks to their uncanny ability to bind with protein sites, thus kicking out and replacing metals that naturally occur in our cells. What does this do? It inhibits mitochondria (the chemicals that are critical to making energy in cells), thus resulting in the likes of fatigue and far worse symptoms when heavy metal exposure is long-term. Not fun.


Heavy Metal toxicity symptoms

And. speaking of tell-take signs of heavy metal toxicity, there are a good many of them. Yet, while acute toxicity symptoms can be quite obvious to those in the know (breathing difficulties, impaired cognitive and motor skills, severe cramping, vertigo, vomiting and so on), signs of less severely affected health due to heavy metal exposure/ consumption are a more general – they include…

  • aching joints
  • acne
  • bad digestion/ bloating/ gas
  • difficulty digesting fats
  • excess sweating
  • fatigue
  • headaches
  • female health issues (involving hormones, infertility and pre-eclampsia)
  • middle-of-the-night insomnia
  • mood swings
  • severe food cravings

Don’t doubt it, though; if not tackled, heavy metal toxicity can lead to the development of diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, dementia, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s and even cancer. So, clearly far from good news. Yet, it’s not all gloomy, of course; thanks to detoxing, the nasty things heavy metals get up to in our bodies can be checked via them being flushed out.


How to detox heavy metals naturally

Natural, fundamentally healthy and safe ways to detox your body of heavy metals include:

  • Drinking generous amounts of filtered water
  • Regular physical exercise that induces a sweat
  • Maintaining a nourishing and anti-inflammatory diet to support your liver
  • Consuming naturally-derived, high-quality supplements


Heavy metal supplements

Yes, as you may have guessed we would, we’ve finally got around to the benefits to be gleaned from well-reviewed, proven and reliably safe-to-consume naturally-derived supplements; those deliberately designed, of course, to help combat heavy metals and flush them out of the body. The following two are especially popular and impressive products (both of them available through us at The Finchley Clinic) that people particularly rate thanks to their unique silica Microcluster technology – which sees their little spheres of silica isolate and encapsulate the heavy metals all the way to their ejection from the body:

Crystal Energy – currently on special offer, this product (in addition to containing silica Microclusters) can instantly turn water into liquid crystals, thus helping to increase flow of water and nutrients across cell membranes to a rate more than two-and-a-half times faster than ordinary water, thereby increasing cell hydration and, in turn, heavy metal detoxification.

MegaHydrate – also on special offer, this supplement comprises silica Microclusters, which can increase hydration, improve cells’ zeta potential to clean the blood, alkalise blood and drive detoxification.

What O2 does for you: are you oxygen deficient?

Being that it’s the third most abundant element in the entire universe, it might not surprise you to learn that humble, old oxygen is the most abundant element in the human body (which makes even more sense when you factor in that, despite all the chemicals in the Earth’s atmosphere, 20 percent of it up there’s made of oxygen1). In actual fact, a whopping 65 percent of our body mass is accounted for by oxygen2 – and, yes, that really does have everything to do with the fact it’s everywhere and all around us, so we’re breathing it in each and every second of our lives. Again, little surprise then that this odourless, colourless gas3 is so critically important for basic and healthy function in the human body. But just why and how? And, despite its abundance, are all of us actually getting enough oxygen?


What are the benefits of oxygen?

Oxygen is primarily necessary to enable the crucial process that’s known as cellular respiration – the breaking down of food in the body to provide its cells with energy so the body itself can properly function4, 5. In this process, oxygen’s called on to break down sugar in order to transform it into adenosine triphosphate (ATP), ensuring then it’s in a form absorbable by cells6; resulting in the by-products that are water and carbon dioxide (the latter, which is toxic, is removed from the body via respiration, of course).

Quite clearly then, the body requires an ever-ready supply of oxygen to function at all effectively – without it, a plethora of health issues will inevitably arise8. And yet, one study has discovered that laboratory mice, thanks to receiving supplemental oxygen, enjoyed increased T-cell counts, immune function and twice the lifetime of mice allowed normal oxygen levels7. So, could all of us do with receiving more oxygen? Well, exactly how much each of us needs (everyone clearly needs a lot, but some more than others) depends on things like general health, how active you are and how hydrated you are8. If you’re not doing well in those areas – yes, you probably could do with more oxygen in your body.


What are if you don’t get enough oxygen?

Quite clearly, it’s bad for your health. We’re not talking oxygen deprivation here per se; more oxygen deficiency. You can experience the latter over many months and years, with pollution and questionable indoor air quality often serving as culprits, as well as the very gradual decline of oxygen in the atmosphere9. And, like it or not, some experts have linked oxygen deficiency to tumour growth10, 11.


Oxygen supplements

So, how does one actually boost their oxygen intake? By breathing more? Well, no. One genuinely effective way is through naturally-derived supplementation. For instance, at The Finchley Clinic we’re presently finding two of our highly reputed oxygen products (Oxygen Elements Max and OxyLift; which, yes, essentially provide similar benefits) very popular. So much so, we’ve decided to make them both available on special offer – together. Why? Because a number of our customers find that one works for them better than the other; but many definitely find one of them of great benefit for their overall health. So why not take a look at them both – and try them out for yourself…?

Oxygen Elements Max – may help with the following issues: candida overgrowth, fatigue problems, joint issues (in conjunction with Silica Plus), poor immunity, respiratory problems and boosting athletic performance.

OxyLift – a synergistic blend of powerful nutritional supplements that provide oxygen, hydrogen, structured water, etheric respiration energies, major and trace minerals, enzymes and amino acids.



  1. University of Florida. ‘Liquid Oxygen’. Environmental Health & Safety. University of Florida.
  2. Shyamala I. ‘Building Blocks of Life’. ASU – Ask A Biologist. Sep 2009.
  3. org. ‘Oxygen – Element Information, Properties and Uses | Periodic Table’. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  4. Alberts B., Johnson A., Lewis J. et al. ‘How Cells Obtain Energy from Food’. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 4th edition. New York: Garland Science; 2002.
  5. phy. ‘Cellular Respiration’. Hyperphysics.
  6. Encyclopædia Britannica. ‘Adenosine Triphosphate’. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. Encyclopædia Britannica Inc.; 2016.
  7. Hatfield S. M. et al. ‘Immunological mechanisms of the antitumor effects of supplemental oxygenation’. Science Translational Medicine. Vol. 7; Mar 2015; p. 277ra30. doi: 10.1126/scitranslmed.aaa1260.
  8. nih. ‘What Is Oxygen Therapy?’. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute; Feb 2012.
  9. Scripps Institution of Oceanography. ‘Scripps O2 Program | Atmospheric Oxygen Research’. Scripps Institution of Oceanography.
  10. ‘An Introduction to Indoor Air Quality’. United States Environmental Protection Agency.
  11. University of Colorado Denver. ‘Lack of oxygen in cancer cells leads to growth and metastasis’. ScienceDaily; Sep 2012.

Be proactive about gut health – boost your ‘good’ bacteria via probiotics

Did you know that bacteria can be beneficial to you? If you follow this blog, are a regular customer with us or have consumed probiotics in the past, you might well be. If you’re not or haven’t done any of those things, though, it could well be news to you. Yes, true; the wrong bacteria in the wrong place in our bodies can certainly do harm (hence why we use antibacterial products), but the right bacteria in the right parts of our bodies can do us considerable good. A case in point is, indeed, the consuming of probiotics.

If you’re unaware of exactly what probiotics are, well, it’s understandable. They’re something we hear about all the time in the media but aren’t actually explained very often.
A vast array of live micro-organisms that, once consumed and present in the digestive system, help promote good health in the digestive tract (the intestines and digestive organs) and the immune system, probiotics are commonly referred to as ‘good’ or ‘friendly’ bacteria – in contrast to ‘bad’ bacteria that cause bugs and diseases when they find their way into our bodies. We can consume probiotics through specific foods, drinks and, yes, naturally-derived supplements.


What are the benefits of probiotics?

So why are probiotics so good for our health? Well, research suggests they can help protect our bodies in two different ways. The first is all about what they do in the digestive tract. Here, their presence aids in ensuring a balance between the gut’s ‘good’ and ‘bad’ bacteria; the scales can be tipped in favour of the ‘bad’ due to poor diet, antibiotic over-reliance, stress, poor sleep hygiene and environmental factors. Thus, ‘bad’ bacteria dominance is highly common – which means consuming probiotics can genuinely make a difference to one’s health.

And, owing to their variety and versatility, there’s a large spread of benefits that different probiotics can deliver; the various types of probiotic being determined by their genus, species and strain level. Two of the most common ways to categorise probiotics are as:

  • Lactobacillus – experts believe there are more than 50 species of lactobacilli bacteria, usually to be found in the body’s digestive, urinary and reproductive systems. You can get your fill of them via fermented foods, such as certain yoghurts, and they can aid in treating conditions and diseases including antibiotic-related diarrhoea, bacterial vaginosis, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), lactose intolerance, respiratory infections, skin disorders (acne, canker sores, eczema and fever blisters), urinary tract infection and yeast infections.


  • Bifidobacteria – most of the colon’s ‘good’ bacteria can be classed as one of 30 species of bifidobacteria; although they take root in the intestinal tract shortly after birth (especially in breastfed babies), it’s important to maintain their levels for good gut health. Studies show bifidobacteria help boost tolerance in blood lipids and glucose and combat IBS and its symptoms (including discomfort, pain and bloating).



Probiotic supplements

Unfortunately, for different reasons, of course, some people aren’t able to extract all the probiotics their bodies need for good health from food alone. In which case, going the supplement route is a very good option. For instance, the following probiotic offerings from the Optibac range are all available through us at The Finchley Clinic – and are currently on special offer…

Optibac Probiotics for every day EXTRA STRENGTH – comprises five well-researched probiotic strains, including Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum, in an extra-strength dose of 20 billion live micro-organisms per capsule; also, results from a clinical trial suggest this supplement may reduce birch tree pollen sufferers’ symptoms (hayfever).

Optibac Probiotics for every day – a high-quality supplement containing five billion live probiotics per capsule, six probiotic strains and added prebiotics to help maintain, on a daily basis, digestive health, immunity and energy levels.

Optibac Probiotics for every day Max –promotes a healthy balance of ‘friendly’ bacteria throughout the entire intestinal tract; each capsule delivers 50 billion live micro-organisms.

Combating candida: how much do you know about yeast infections?

It’s a fact; it’s hard to prevent some living organisms taking residence on or inside of your body. Sure, it’s far from pleasant to contemplate, but it’s reality; many of our bodies contain a bug of some kind at any one time. Like it or not, the intestinal tract is often home to a good number of harmful organisms and bacteria, one of which is the yeast infection known as candida albicans.

Now, everybody has some amount of candida in or on their bodies, like it or not, but should you have too much (referred to as candida ‘overgrowth’), then its influence can be negative and harmful to your health; an imbalance of candida may affect your mouth, skin and genitals and not just cause discomfort but even prove life-threatening. Yes, really.

So, with all that in mind, here follow some further must-know facts about yeast infections (and, in particular, those concerning candida)…


Candida occurrence in – and on – our bodies is common

As noted, there’s no immediate cause for concern when it comes to candida in or on the human body; it’s normal, both on the skin and in the gastrointestinal tract. And this is because, so long as you’re healthy, your immune system and – especially in the gut – the symbiotic bacteria are effective at keeping candida and many similar fungal species in check, in balance and not enabling them to ‘overgrow’. The trouble then comes if your immune system’s compromised; should that be the case, the result could be candida overgrowth and unpleasant symptoms.


You may find a yeast infection in your mouth

Far from appealing it may be, but it’s entirely likely that, should you suffer from a yeast infection at all, there’s a decent chance it’ll strike you orally. In this form, it’s commonly referred to as thrush (similar vaginal infections in women are due to a slightly different kind of yeast, in fact). It’s especially common in new-born babies but tends to move on quickly in this instance. Yet, like it or not, candida overgrowth can occur in around 25 percent of all adults, most often as a result of poor oral hygiene. Studies have found that where plaque, tartar and amalgam fillings are present, there’s a chance candida will be too1.


Vaginal yeast infections aren’t easy to tackle

If you want to prevent yeast infections afflicting your body then one of the best practices is undoubtedly the practice of good hygiene. That said, though, supposedly good-health-ensuring washing practices of the female genital areas may have the opposite effect. For instance, frequent douching may lead to yeast infections and even over-the-counter-bought medication products marked as anti-fungal have, now and again, been possible causes of vaginal candidiasis2. Additionally, intrauterine contraceptives (such as coils inserted into the uterus) appear to potentially result in candida infections3.


Asthma inhaler use could spur on candida

For asthma sufferers, inhalers are crucial for alleviating their symptoms, of course, but unfortunately research suggests that, among adults, use of an asthma inhaler for more than six months could possibly lead to oral candidiasis4. To be fair, though, for anyone the use of an inhaler or any kind of oral ‘appliance’ (such as dentures, retainers and mouth guards) could possibly help expose them to candida.


There’s a connection between candida and diabetes

Yes, bad news for those who already have to deal with living with diabetes on a daily basis – although they may already be aware of it already – because they’re more likely to develop a genital yeast infection than the diabetes-free. Why is this? Well, quite simply, the increased blood glucose levels that diabetes sufferers experience allow for the sort of terrain that enables yeast growth. Moreover, as diabetes has a tendency to lessen immune responses, the likelihood or repeat infections is high. Plus, while women are likelier to get Candida albicans and Candida glabrate infections, men who aren’t circumcised might well become infected with Candida balaritis5.


Candida feeds on carbs

Diet, as you may have expected, influences the candida levels present in your body’s digestive tract. To wit, if you want to reduce the chances of candida overgrowth here, you may want to curb the carbs. Research seems to suggest that a diet rich in carbohydrates makes it more likely someone will develop candida overgrowth than consumption of a diet rich instead in amino acids, fatty acids and proteins – it seems candida levels can get a boost instantly after anyone eats carbohydrates7.


Candida boosts the risk of developing MS

This one should be a big, glaring lighthouse-flashlight of a warning of candida overgrowth because, yes, the chances of developing multiple sclerosis (MS) appear to rise following a candida infection. The evidence? A case-control study made the link between MS and candida infection thanks to proving that, among its test subjects, MS sufferers experienced higher overall blood serum levels of candida than those without MS8.


Probiotics can provide protection from candida

It’s only fair to say that once it’s set up home in or on your body, candida can prove stubborn to shift, yet can usually be eliminated in two to six months; although whatever you turn to for treating an infection needs to be combined with a low-sugar and non-alcohol diet.

And, indeed, the especially good news is that there are many probiotic- and non-probiotic supplements on the market specifically produced to help prevent and fight candida overgrowth – and yeast infections, in general. Among the high-quality, natural candida supplements available through us at The Finchley Clinic are the following:

Candizolv – our suppliers inform us that this supplement is definitely effective against candida overgrowth; fat soluble, it establishes itself in the fat cells of your body, but is slowly released over time to weaken all fungal yeast cells, no matter where they are within the body

Wild Endive Formula A – maintains an acceptable balance of candida toxins, aiding the work of the liver, for those who may be concerned about a possible ‘die-off’ when undergoing a candida cleanse.



Fivelac – similar to Threelac but packing more of a punch (it contains five anti candida probiotic strains instead of three), this supplement’s a good candida fighter; not suitable for vegans as it contains a small amount of lactose.



  1. Muzurovic S., Babajic E., Masic T., Smajic R. and Selmanagic A. ‘The relationship between oral hygiene and oral colonisation with Candida species’. Med Arh. 2012; 66 (6) :415-7.
  2. Ekpenyong C. E., Inyang-etoh E. C., Ettebong E. O., Akpan U. P., Ibu J. O. and Daniel N. E. ‘Recurrent vulvovaginal candidosis among young women in south eastern Nigeria: the role of lifestyle and health-care practices’. Int J STD AIDS. 2012 Oct; 23 (10): 704-9. doi: 10.1258/ijsa.2012.011382.
  3. Güdücü N., Gönenç G., Içi H., Yiiter A. B., Basüllü N. and Dünder I. ‘Clinical importance of detection of bacterial vaginosis, trichomonas vaginalis, candida albicans and actinomyces in Papanicolaou smears’. Clin Exp Obstet Gynecol. 2012; 39 (3): 333-6.
  4. Pinto C. R., Almeida N. R., Marques T. S., Yamamura L. L., Costa L. A. and Souza-Machado A. ‘Local adverse effects associated with the use of inhaled corticosteroids in patients with moderate or severe asthma’. J Bras Pneumol. 2013 Jun-Aug; 39 (4): 409-17. doi: 10.1590/S1806-37132013000400003.
  5. Nyirjesy P. and Sobel J. D. ‘Genital mycotic infections in patients with diabetes’. Postgrad Med. 2013 May; 125 (3): 33-46. doi: 10.3810/pgm.2013.05.2650.
  6. Fidel P. L. Jr. ‘Immunity to Candida’. Oral Dis. 2002; 8 Suppl 2: 69-75.
  7. Hoffmann C., Dollive S., Grunberg S., Chen J., Li H., Wu G. D., Lewis J. D. and Bushman F. D. ‘Archaea and fungi of the human gut microbiome: correlations with diet and bacterial residents’. PLoS One. 2013 Jun 17; 8 (6): e66019. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0066019. Print 2013.
  8. Benito-León J., Pisa D., Alonso R., Calleja P., Díaz-Sánchez M. and Carrasco L. ‘Association between multiple sclerosis and Candida species: evidence from a case-control study’. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 2010 Sep; 29 (9): 1139-45. doi: 10.1007/s10096-010-0979-y. Epub 2010 Jun 17.

Perfect for protein: 10 protein foods for vegans and vegetarians

Like it or not, we can’t get away from it; Western culture has a love affair with eating protein – especially in the UK. And this has ensured that vegans and vegetarians seem to receive little respite from all the questions they get about their choice to go meat-free – in spite of the fact that it’s relatively easy to cater a non-meat diet so one might receive enough of the muscle-building and low blood sugar-combating nutrient that’s protein.

And, when you look into it, all of the non-meat protein options that are possible really shouldn’t come as any surprise. After all, so-called incomplete proteins (such as nuts and whole grains) are capable of blending together to generate ‘complete protein’, which is then brimming with all nine of the essential amino acids that the body very much needs but isn’t capable of producing on its own.

Here follows then a list of some of the best vegan/ vegetarian foods available for providing the human body with health-giving protein:


Chia seeds

(2.5 grams of protein per tablespoon)

Serving suggestion: add them to a vegan smoothie

On their own, chia seeds don’t contain an abundance of protein (but some, certainly), yet they do feature the essential amino acids we need – yes, all nine of them. Moreover, as they’re capable of stabilising blood sugar thanks to their combined protein, fat and fibre content, they’re an all-round nutritious food, to say the least. Plus, the specific Omega-3 fatty acids they also comprise (alpha-linolenic acid) can help contribute to lowering the risk of heart disease.


Soybeans (and soy products)

(2-21 grams of protein per half-cup)

Serving suggestion: dry roasted soybeans as snacks or in nut and dried fruit mixes, tempeh can be steamed or pan-fried are feature instead of meat in a sandwich, while edamame (immature soybeans in a pod) works as an appetiser and soymilk is ideal with oatmeal.

Owing to how much bang for your buck soybeans deliver in the protein department, they undoubtedly make for great snacks – indeed, a half-cup’s worth of delicious dry roasted soybeans is packed with as much of 18 grams of protein. In terms of other soy-derived products, you might opt for steamed soybeans (4 grams protein per half-cup), tofu (10 grams protein per half-cup) or soy milk (2 grams protein per half-cup), not least as they also offer magnesium, a mineral which is great for aiding muscle development, energy generation and carb metabolism.


Hemp seed

(3.3 grams of protein per tablespoon)

Serving suggestion: hemp seeds can be added to both cereals and salads (just sprinkle them on top) or in mixed into shake-drinks, ideally after workouts.

Don’t be put off by the marijuana connotation, hemp seeds aren’t intoxicating in the slightest, yet they’re hugely nutritious. Brimming with fibre and Omega-3 fatty acids, they’re capable therefore of contributing to the battle some have to face against heart disease, metabolic syndrome and obesity.



(4 grams of protein per half-cup)

Serving suggestion: you might try pairing quinoa with vegetable beans as a constituent part of a meal, while it can also be used as an excellent ingredient in the making of a veggie burger.

There are few trendier foods around today than this ancient grain (approximately 1,400 different quinoa products are in existence; yes, really!). So, what’s the appeal? Well, it possesses more protein than many similar grain-based food and is rich in fibre, heart-healthy unsaturated fats and the L-arginine amino acid; the latter being likely to promote muscle growth as opposed to that of fat in the body.



(5 grams of protein per cup)

Serving suggestion: there’s actually many things you can do with a serving of spinach, but there’s probably nothing better than adding it old favourites like omelettes, salads and stir-fries.



(8 grams of protein per cup)

Serving suggestion: add them as a vegetable side as you would to a meat-as-protein meal (without meat, peas are great protein providers for any meal)

Popeye may not like it, but common, too-often-considered-bland peas contain more protein than spinach, relatively speaking. Should you enjoy a ‘cup’ portion of them a day, they’ll also account for 100 percent of your daily intake of Vitamin C, aiding the healthy maintenance of your immune system, among other things.



(18 grams of protein per cup)

Serving suggestion: give them a go in a soup

Lentils are a terrific option for vegans and vegetarians when it comes to their protein needs. One ‘cup’ serving offers as much protein as three eggs, while their high fibre content ensures they sate hunger very effectively and can reduce fat gain too. Moreover, studies suggest that those whose diets comprise at least four servings a week of legumes enjoy lower cholesterol levels and weight reduction.


Shelled pumpkin seeds

(9 grams of protein per ounce)

Serving suggestion: add them to salads or rice dishes or eat them raw

Great for the minerals that are the energy-boosting magnesium, phosphorus and zinc, pumpkin seeds are also packed full of protein – how’s that for a mainstay of Hallowe’en more used to scaring the kids!



(6 grams of protein per ounce)

Serving suggestion: as they can help you burn fat and carbs during workouts, have a daily serving of almonds before you pop to the gym

Terrific for weight-loss – as much as anything else, that is – the tasty nuts that are almonds have been found in studies to be more effective than a mixture of complex carbohydrates and safflower oil in reducing one’s weight, as part of a calorie-restricted diet. Indeed, this research discovered that in less than six months, the consumption of almonds had contributed to weight loss and reduction in body mass index (BMI) of 62 percent among test subjects.



(5 grams of protein per ounce)

Don’t just stick to almonds when it comes to your nut-derived protein, though; not only are we talking about the superior protein contributions cashews can make here, but also the fine source of magnesium and biotin they offer. The former mineral’s great for relieving constipation, augmenting cognitive function and improving the immune system, while the latter contributes to the good health of hair and nails.


Natural protein supplements

Alternatively, of course, you may find there’s a number of the above foods that simply aren’t for you; you simply can’t eat them – perhaps because of a nut allergy, for instance. In that scenario you can boost your nutritional intake (in addition to non-meat protein foods) through high-quality, naturally derived supplementation. The following examples are both available through us at The Finchley Clinic:

Pure Vegan Pea Protein – a blend of protein derived from golden pea kernels; it’s vegan-certified, lactose, gluten and cholesterol free, features no artificial flavours and no dairy or sweeteners.

Organic Cold Milled Hemp Protein – a tasty, raw, 100 percent-certified organ protein food that contains even more of the nutrient than meat, fish, eggs, dairy and soya; easy to digest and cholesterol-free.

MegaHydrate: the mega dietary supplement

Designed, created and manufactured in a cutting-edge manner, MegaHydrate is full of health-giving potential, that’s for sure. Indeed, its antioxidant credentials are so revered, it’s said that this entirely naturally-derived supplement offers among the highest antioxidant potentials of anything you might consume (including ‘superfoods’ that could be classed as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and so on). Basically, MegaHydrate operates by reducing the surface tension of water within the body and at a cellular level, thereby increasing hydration within the body’s cells. In bringing about optimal hydration then, it’s able to encourage the body to more effectively eliminate toxins and metabolic by-products and ensure hugely important nutrients are delivered to cells, exactly where they’re needed.

And, to get further into the science, MegaHydrate’s capable of doing this because one of its main ingredients, silica hydride, is the only antioxidant compound in existence that doesn’t convert itself into a pro-oxidant following the donation of its electrons – instead, it combines with other hydrogen or water atoms, to form non-hazardous gas or water, respectively.


MegaHydrate health benefits

So, just some of the health benefits offered by MegaHydrate are:


Boosts negatively-charged hydrogen ion levels

MegaHydrate is terrific at combatting free radicals, in part, because it’s a super-concentrated source of negatively-charged ions, ensuring that it has a pronouncedly low oxidation reduction potential (OAP) – in layman’s terms then, this means that, as an antioxidant, it’s highly likely to donate electrons to combat free radicals’ hazardous activity in the body.


Might slow down ageing

Thanks to its capacity for hydrating you, this is a supplement that can undoubtedly increase moisture levels throughout the body. Not only is this healthy in general terms (there are few healthier things for the body to be good supply of than water), but also particularly good news for your appearance; hair, skin and fingernails will likely look glossier and shinier.


Increases hydration elements’ absorption

As a detoxifier, MegaHydrate can thanks its effectivity on its ability to enable rapid hydration and nutrient uptake in the body’s cells. This capacity of the supplement can be traced to its creation as a product that deliberates mimics the huge-health-giving waters to be found in highly-elevated regions of the world, to be found in places as diverse as Ecuador, Pakistan and Germany. What is it specifically about the properties of these waters? Well, it’s down to the specific structure of the frozen glaciers in these parts of the world from which it’s derived.


Could offset the fact we drink less water as we age

It’s a fact that millions of us naturally have less of a desire to – and feel we need to – drink less water as we get older, but it does us no good; not least because our imbibing of tea, coffee, carbonated eater and energy drinks tends to increase (or, at least, far from diminish) as we age. The result is merely reduced hydration and, yes, too little water in the body.


Combats the harm incurred by drinking caffeine and alcohol

As noted, drinking caffeine really does very little good for the body and surely practically everybody knows this to be true of alcohol. Indeed, on its own, consuming too much caffeine is only likely to lead to anxiety, dehydration, dizziness, headaches, insomnia and stress. Happily, though, these negative effects are something else MegaHydrate’s capable of counteracting.


Drives up negatively-charged hydrogen ions

Don’t doubt it, these negative ions are great for boosting a sense of well-being and overall health. Why? Well, they’re critical for the maintaining of the body’s energy balance; without them, its cells won’t be capable of counteracting free radical generation, which – as you may very well be aware of by now – is responsible for cellular damage and curtaining the life of all-important cells.


Enhances zeta potential of blood cells

Through its principle ingredient, silica hydride, MegaHydrate augments what scientists call ‘zeta potential’ in our blood cells. It’s because this chemical compound increase the charge, the stability and charge between blood cells (the zeta potential) that MegaHydrate ensures there’s more surface area for blood cells in the body’s blood and this ensures toxicants like bacteria, fungi, viruses and other pollutants can be removed, while ‘cleansing waters’ can more easily make their way to and fill cells owing to this increased surface area.


Increases your antioxidant levels

Just a single serving of MegaHydrate will supply you with more antioxidant goodness than many ‘superfoods’ including the likes of green tea, leafy greens, wheat grass and many fruit and vegetable juices. It’s this considerable antioxidant activity then that the supplement can provide that’s liable to aid in an array of health benefits; everything from improved memory and energy levels to better sight and hearing and longevity to the likelihood of chronic disease improvement.



Boosts your oxygen intake

As noted, the supplement naturally pushes cells apart (thanks to the activity of its negatively-charged atoms) and that creates a spaciousness that drives up the fluidity in the lymph system, thus drawing more oxygen into these cells. Among many other things, this supports the liver in its work to remove toxins.


MegaHydrate supplements

So then, both of the (entirely naturally-derived) MegaHydrate supplements that follow are available through us at The Finchley Clinic:

MegaHydrate – an amazing anti-aging and energy boosting remedy that’s claimed to be 800% more effective than other known products or foods

MegaHydrate Powder – arguably better value for money than the supplement in its original capsule form, offering a higher dosage than the latter.

The importance of a natural cleanse: how to remove toxins effectively

Nowadays, it seems you can’t pick up a newspaper or surf the Internet without quickly coming across an article that purports a new, dynamic cleanse will be your gateway to good health for the rest of your life. If only that were true. Yet, it is true that cleanses undertaken for specific reasons, thereby seeking specific results, and featuring specific foods/ drinks to consume (or, alternatively, cut out) are well worth your time. And there’s little that’s new about the idea either.

Toxin cleanses and fasting programmes involving the likes of herbs and natural nutrients have been around for centuries, if not millennia, in different civilisations; relied on not just for wellbeing but also insisted on for spiritual purposes by religions. And the reality is that, with so many toxins and harmful organisms in the air, water and environments all around us, it’s all too easy for us to breathe them in, drink, eat and consume them every day of our lives. And, to be honest, that reality’s only getting worse, which means that it’s more important than ever to try and cleanse our livers, colons and other organs of these entities on something like a regular basis.

All that said, whatever the newspapers and ill-informed web articles say, there’s nothing to match a toxin removal that involves fully naturally-derived sources of nutrition – in fact, it’s the only way to do it properly. Here are some very good examples…


Liver cleanses

Nowhere in the digestive tract can afford to be overrun by harmful toxins, least of all the liver, which is absolutely critical to the rest of the system for effective natural detoxification. To cleanse the liver – and help it along in its own work then – various foods you might consume include wheat grass and dandelion greens1, 2, as well as beets, carrots, celery, lemons and limes3. Meanwhile, spicier foods like cayenne, cumin, curry, rosemary and turmeric are all good here too4, as well as, drinks-wise, apple juice and simple, purified water (as opposed to coffee, milk and carbonated drinks).


Candida cleanses

Candida is a type of yeast that can find its way throughout the body and on the skin; on occasions, it’s especially a problem for women, not least because its overgrowth can cause an infection of thrush in the mouth of throat. Not nice. A candida cleanse aims to get the levels of the yeast in the body back under control by removing many of the sugars that cause it to ‘over-grow’.

So, that means avoiding all kinds of sugar for the duration of the cleanse – indeed, natural foods including (dried) fruits, fruit juices, refined flour and wheat foods, yeast-based foods (of course) and natural sweeteners like agave nectar and raw honey5. Moreover, alcohol’s definitely out, as are old favourites like cheese, picked vegetables and soy sauce. And, while undertaking one, a candida cleanse is only enhanced by consuming organic oregano oil and a probiotic (perhaps Latero-Flora; see below).


Cleanses of harmful organisms

To remove harmful organisms, in general, from the body, there are a number of herbs you should make a beeline to consume for a good overall cleanse. For instance, American wormseed, black walnut hull, clove and wormwood are great for creating an environment in the intestines and wider digestive system that’s hostile to toxins and harmful organisms6. Moreover, probiotic supplements (again, see below) are highly advised for helping ensure gut microbiome balance7.


Liquid cleanses

While they’re effective, such natural cleanses as outlined above do involve playing about with your diet and altering it for a short period, which inevitably is going to interfere with your energy levels. Should you prefer the idea of a general cleanse that’s not going to get close to ‘wiping you out’ for a while then, a liquid cleanse may be the answer8. As opposed to the others mentioned, it’s all about consuming good amounts of fresh organic fruit juices and vegetable juices, in addition to the likes of oils (coconut, flaxseed, hempseed, pumpkin seed and sesame seed), miso soup, pureed soup and, of course, purified water.


Toxin removal supplements

As already pointed out in this article, probiotics especially – but also detoxification-focused supplements in more general terms – can be great additional sources of nourishment (for vitamins and minerals) during cleanses and, should you not fancy going the cleansing route, for helping remove toxins and harmful organisms from your body on an everyday basis. The following then are all available through us at The Finchley Clinic (along with many more):

Paratrex – a supplement that combines herbs and proteolytic enzymes to help eradicate parasites from the body, but in a somewhat slower and gentler manner (thanks to its botanical ingredients) than the harsher approach you’ll find with prescription pharmaceuticals; it’s ideal for this purpose when combined with the following two supplements …

Latero-Flora – a probiotic that primarily contains a unique strain of Bacillus laterosporus, a naturally occurring organism that populates the intestines with beneficial bacteria to help maintain a healthy colon.

Aniseed Formula – a botanical food supplement for maintenance of a parasite-free ecology in the body; in addition to aniseed, it contains cranberry, celery seed, fennel, licorice, peppermint, pomegranate, thyme and turmeric.



  1. Drewnowski A. and Gomez-Carneros C. “Bitter taste, phytonutrients, and the consumer: a review”. Am J Clin Nutr. (2000): 1424-1435.
  2. Tokusumi Y. and Takagi Y. “Ectosymbiotic role of food bacteria for paramecium: bacterial detoxification of paramecia-killing toxin contained in wheat grass powder”. Zool Sci. (2000): 341-348.
  3. Koumbi L. “Dietary factors can protect against liver cancer development”. World J Hepatol. (2017):119-125.
  4. Singh U. P., Singh D. P., Maurya S., Maheshwari R., Singh M., Dubey R. S. and Singh R. B. “Investigation on the Phenolics of Some Spices Having Pharmacotherapeutic Properties”. Journal of Herbal Pharmacotherapy 4.4 (2004): 27-42.
  5. Nikawa H., Nishimura H., Hamada T. et al. “Effects of dietary sugars and saliva and serum on Candida biofilm formation on acrylic surfaces”. Mycopathologia (1997) 139: 87.
  6. Bor T., Gyawali R. and Ibrahim S. A. “Evaluating the Effectiveness of Essential Oils and Combination of Copper and Lactic Acid on the Growth of E. coli O157:H7 in Laboratory Medium”. Foods. (2016): 5 (1).
  7. Surendrannair M., Amalaradjou M. A. and Venkitanarayanan K. “Antivirulence Properties of Probiotics in Combating Microbial Pathogenesis”. Adv Appl Microbiol. (2017): 1-29.
  8. Huber R., Nauck M., Lüdtke R, and Scharnagl H. “Effects of One Week Juice Fasting on Lipid Metabolism: A Cohort Study in Healthy Subjects”. Complement Med Res. (2003): 7-10.


Famous five: 5 essential factors for good adrenal health

The adrenal glands are located on top of the kidneys and play a critical role in the production of a multitude of hormones in your body. The adrenals comprise the endocrine system and are responsible for activating your stress response and regulating adrenaline and cortisol, which aid in energy and sleep; the adrenals also have a part in the reproductive process. Imbalance of the adrenal system is problematic to health and ranges from mild disorders, such as adrenal fatigue, to life-threatening conditions such as Addison’s disease. Too much or too little adrenal hormone production results in various symptoms including fatigue, weakness and digestive disturbance. Restoring adrenal health involves proper diagnosis, medical intervention and lifestyle changes.



First up, you’re highly advised to get yourself checked out with a local GP so, should you be suffering from something serious, you can receive a physical examination, be diagnosed and the steps taken by medical professionals, as necessary. It’s possible that a physician may order an adrenocorticotropin simulation test, as well as a corticotropin-releasing hormone test; together these would be taken to determine the cortisone levels in your body and to discover whether yours are too high or too low, depending on whether the pituitary gland is secreting the right amounts of this all-important and highly influential hormone. You may be subjected to blood-hormone-level tests, ultrasounds and x-rays too; the results of which would also reveal whether your may require medical treatment in addition, no doubt, to lifestyle changes to normalise your adrenal function.



For sure, in the case of poor adrenal health, one of the lifestyle changes you’ll be strongly urged to make will be to your everyday diet. So, within this, what changes would be on the menu, so to speak? Well, there’s a good chance you’ll be advised to focus not just on specific foods but to eat according to a daily schedule, so you can maintain decent energy levels throughout the day. This would be to keep up blood sugar levels during your waking hours; should you miss meals, for instance, your blood sugar levels will drop off and put unavoidable stress on the body’s adrenal glands.

To wit, it may well be suggested for you to consume three sensibly balanced, evenly and regularly spaced meals during the day, as well as two snack-times in between them. Food-wise, the emphasis would be on natural sugar sources rich in adrenal health vitamins (all fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains; saturated fat-heavy, processed foods like cakes, crisps and carbonated drinks would be out).



Should you find you’re suffering from adrenal-focused issues, or even a serious condition attributable to these glands (possibly in conjunction with thyroid gland problems too), then good, decent rest becomes key, as you’ll be low on energy and in need of restoring energy levels so you don’t wipe yourself out and make yourself even less well.

The advice you’ll likely receive then is to fix a sensible, reliable and very regular sleep schedule (‘sleep hygiene’ now ought to be a focus in your life), as well as small, well observed breaks throughout the working day; you really do have to observe the fact that, for the good of your health, you need to rest more. This may mean taking 15-20-minute lie-downs or, even better, power naps every now and again. It’s not just about relaxation and energy restoration; it’s also all about balancing out the cortisol levels in your body because they’ll have been altered due to the adrenal disorder(s) you’re experiencing.



Exercise as well as rest highly advised, not least because it may be you ought to lose. This is because adrenal glands generate excessive amounts of the hormone aldosterone, which can result in the medical issue called hyperaldosteronism. This sees far too much sodium and potassium than the body can handle, inevitably raising your blood pressure. Should you be suffering from adrenal issues that could or have given rise to this condition then, in addition to medical treatment, it’s likely you’ll be advised to engage in light but regular exercise – as well as to try and cut down on your sodium intake, for obvious reasons. Such light exercise as bike-riding, jogging or even walking is usually advised to aid the body’s regulation of cortisol levels when the adrenals aren’t productive enough.


Vitamins and supplements

Finally, the fifth factor that can make a big difference when it comes to combating adrenal problems is the consumption of the right vitamins in the right amounts – and potentially then, supplements. Vitamins are a no-brainer for good adrenal health, frankly; experts suggest consuming lots of fresh fruit, vegetable and good, solid sources of protein are essential on a daily basis to ensure you get all the vitamins you can. For instance, we’re talking the likes of Vitamins C, E and several of the B vitamins (green vegetables and citrus fruits) and protein sources for the B vitamins and the crucial nutrients that are iron and selenium.

Of course, though, there is the possible likelihood that, owing to necessary restrictions you have to make to your diet, you’re not able to tailor it exactly as you’d like. In terms of sources of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients for improved adrenal health, then you can turn to fully naturally-derived supplements for these adrenal health vitamins and more. The following adrenal health supplements are all available through us at The Finchley Clinic (why not take a look at our specific ‘Adrenal Health’ page to check out more?):

Nutramedix Adrenal Support – a proprietary blend of extracts from five adaptogenic plants (schisandra, astragalus, snow rose, ginseng and rhodiola), which combine in supplementary form help maintain healthy adrenal function.

Drive! (180 capsules) – consists of Tyrosine with supportive co-nutrients which provide important co-factors for improved energy, balanced brain chemistry, combatting depression, and supporting the adrenal and thyroid glands.

Eleuthro Formula – a powerful tonic and rebuilding effect on the adrenal glands, which is designed for super-sensitive people who want to avoid the more stimulating herbs and/ or licorice.

Supplier of Natural Health Supplements for candida management and colon cleansing