The cold and flu and dreaded “C” virus season begins again

Call it cold and flu, call it COVID, in the naturopathic world, it doesn’t really matter what virus it is, as they are all treated in much the same way. Fruit and vegetable juice fasting is tremendously helpful but here are a few of my favourite supplements, that can make an incredible difference.

1. Oxygen Elements Max OR Oxylift.

I find that on the very rare occasions that I think something is coming on, one of these very similar products alone (even though I am going to make some other suggestions), will stop a cold or flu in its tracks if I take a super high dosage almost straight away. Sorry to repeat myself, but this is what I wrote the last time I discussed this (last year)….

I went to bed last night (Friday 4th December) feeling unusually tired, but didn’t think much of it. At about 3am I woke up for my usual mid sleep pee, with a horrible headache, aching limbs, cold, and just feeling rubbish generally. Typical cold or oncoming flu symptoms – except I almost never get colds and flu any more, which I attribute to all the health supplements I take that keep my immune system fairly strong. It wasn’t altogether surprising that I was coming down with something, as life has been stressful recently for reasons I won’t go into here, and aside from the supplements, I hadn’t been taking as much care with healthy eating as I should. Anyhow, here’s what I did about it: –

I took the advice that I typically give customers and took 30 drops of Oxylift (that’s over 4 times more than the label dosage, which suggests taking 7 drops 3 x per day) in a 1/4 glass of water, and added a squeeze of lemon for extra alkalising effect. Note: Lemons may be acidic, as is Oxylift, but both are alkalising to the tissues of the body. Note also, I ignored the suggestion on the label to mix in 8 oz of water as I have never found this amount of water to be necessary. 

I went back to bed, and woke up again 3-4 hours later, feeling about 50% better. So I got up and repeated the process. By 10am, I was better still, though still not right, so I took another 30 drops with a little lemon juice. By now I felt well enough to make a hearty vegetable soup for an early lunch, knowing that my body would want cleansing and warming foods today. By 1am, I felt virtually normal, though perhaps a little weak, and went for a walk as it was a nice crisp if cold day. I could have combined Oxylift with any of the viral management herbal products we provide, but I’m already taking the best part of 20 supplements, including the obvious ones for preventing viremia, like Vitamin C, Zinc and Vitamin D. Besides which I knew that Oxylift was probably going to help a lot. Those of you who follow my newsletters, will know this as I have talked about it quite often in the past. 

Taking 3 lots of 30 drops (plus a fourth lot this afternoon for good measure) worked very well for me, and I will continue to take this super high dosage until I am confident I’m out of the woods – I’m guessing maybe a couple of days.

Would everyone respond as fast as me?  Perhaps not, because I take so many other things that for the most part keep my immune system strong. But I have no doubt that Oxylift, or its sister product Oxygen Elements Max does tremendously help to get rid of colds and flu far quicker than you would otherwise eliminate them, having tested this on myself a few times now. By the way, I think Oxygen Elements Max is stronger than Oxylift , but personally I take Oxylift anyway because it’s vegan and Oxygen Elements Max is not, and because trivial as it may be, I think it tastes better. 

Here are the results of some tests done on Oxylift by an independent laboratory on a range of microbial pathogens around the time that the product was launched which was passed on to me privately. I have not been given express permission to re-publish it, but on the other hand I have never been told not to republish it either. Make up your own mind what you think. These test results have not been published in any medical journal, and they results in vitro (in a lab), rather than in vivo (in a human body), but all I can say is that it works for me if I feel I am coming down with something. 

2. Antiviral herbs for cold and flu – some of my top choices

Please note, these differ from orthodox medicines, not just because they come from a botanical all-natural source, but because they are also good for overall health.

(i) Pau D’arco – A herb rich in quinines (chiefly Lapachol and Beta-lapachone). Those of you who have heard about the orthodox drug hydroxychloroquine will appreciate the significance of quinine in relation to one famous virus. As well as being used for management of viremia, it has also been shown to exhibit anti fungal activity against 11 strains of yeast and fungi. 

(ii) Quina – another Amazonian herb rich in quinines (hence the name), which can be used for all forms of viremia

(iii) Quercetin (liposomal) or Quercetin Complex. Dr Vladimir Zelenko states this can be used as an alternative or replacement for Hyoxychloroquine, with equally good results. Note, it needs to be taken with Zinc for best results, and ideally Vitamin C (which is already found in the one in the link above). It is described 6 minutes and 20 seconds into this video. by Dr Zelenko, though he refers to quercetin as a “drug” but actually it’s a nutraceutical – an antioxidant from the flavanoid family found in many fruits and vegetables. 

(iv) Cat’s Claw – Also known as Una De Gato, and in one form (which we have now replaced), Samento. Probably the best known single herb we provide for all microbial concerns, though it has countless other uses. Entire books have been written on this herb, yet almost everything I’d like to say about is basically illegal. However there is some quite nice information found on YouTube here

(v) Galangal Formula – designed to be an all purpose polyherbal antiviral. Being an artisan product, it doesn’t have a pretty label like most of our products, but our developer knows what he’s doing. It can be further supported with Camu Formula (for immune support) The product developer explains the background (along with the rest of this range) of these two products as follows…

“These formulae have been developed because we were dissatisfied with currently available products. Using our test system (Vega Biokinesiology), we find that single herbs “power score” (a measure of efficacy) 5-20, currently available herbal formulae power score 15-30, and our formulae power score 35-50. We therefore believe that our formulae are up to three times more effective than existing herbal formulae. The herbs used in our formulae have been selected purely empirically, without recourse to the literature. For each formula we screen hundreds of herbs and then having made the initial choice we test for antagonism, synergism, allergenicity and tolerability before we decide on the final selection. In all we conduct around three thousand separate tests for each formula. Clinical experience has quickly confirmed the validity of our system and we now have numerous testimonials and case-histories to demonstrate the efficacy and safety of our range. Perhaps the most worthwhile result yet was a lady who was genuinely suicidal who repeatedly and joyously rang her practitioner to tell her that the CTX8 (now Wild Endive Formula) that she had been prescribed had literally saved her life by lifting her depression so quickly.”

(vi) Olive Leaf Extract

From the highly recommended book “Olive Leaf Extract….Potent Antibacterial, Antiviral, Antifungal Agent” by Jack Richardson. ISBN 1 86512 095 5.

The following is a summarised list of this potent botanical’s apparent health benefits:

  • Effective inhibition and prevention of infection by wide range of pathological microbes, including viruses, bacteria, retroviruses, fungi, parasites, yeasts, and moulds.
  • The enhancement of elasticity of arteries, which improves blood flow, reduces high blood pressure, and prevents the progression of other forms of heart disease.
  • The relief of inflammation related to arthritis, especially rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Improvement in symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome and related disorders.
  • Ability to fight free radical production.
  • Prevention and treatment of many types of viral infections, including the herpes viruses, most influenza and common cold viruses, Epstein-Barr viruses, the HIV virus, the cytomegalovirus, and others.
  • Eradication of candidiasis and associated yeast syndromes.
  • Effective eradication of a variety of parasites, from microscopic protozoa to intestinal worms.
  • Enhancement of energy production in the body.
  • Relief from toothaches, painful haemorrhoids, athlete’s foot, mycotic nails, and various other annoying conditions.

There is a lot more to learn in the book about the various problems it is said to help (such as chronic fatigue). But amongst other things, it states that olive leaf extract “has been shown to be effective against candida albicans, candida krusei, oral candidiasis, vaginitis (thush) yeast syndrome,giardia, pinwroms, tapeworms, ringworm, protozoa and many others. Besides the clinic research that demonstrates that olive leaf extract is effective against fungal and yeast infections, there is a wealth of data from personal case histories of individuals using it for similar purposes”. 

There are a lot of Olive Leaf Extract products out there, with varying qualities. But trust us, our one is the best one you will find. As one customer kindly wrote...”A truly brilliant product. I was so ill with what the doctors concluded was Fibromyalgia, that I was struggling to function and work. I read the book by Morton Walker, and at the time you were one of the few companies that stocked the product and it was life changing.I have tried other brands when you have been out of stock, but I found them to be ineffective in comparison.My mother has also taken it on my strong recommendation for the past 5 years.  She is 82, fit as a fiddle and as active as someone half her age.”

(vii) Oregano Oil – This was the main subject of my previous newsletter, so I won’t repeat myself. 


Vitamin C, Zinc and Selenium are the obvious ones here. And of course it’s almost criminal not to take Vitamin D, especially during the winter. I have covered this in countless previous newsletters. Most poingnantly in my article entitled COVID19: AND THEY HAVE THE CHEEK TO ACCUSE US AS BEING THE ONE’S SPREADING “MISINFORMATION!”

How not to treat a virus?

The two headlines below explain what happens when your medical model is to try to fight illness rather than to promote wellness. The date of the first article is 30th August 2021. The second article was published on October 21st 2021.  The illness will be defeated. But not as a result of what in my view all rational evidence suggests is a foolish and counter-productive philosophy and methodology, but in spite of it. 

Wishing Everyone a Virus Free Autumn
Mark G Lester
The Finchley Clinic Ltd