Threelac and Fivelac live bacteria number

Threelac vs. Fivelac

Threelac and FivelacPlease note these figures below are based on the amount of live bacteria at the end of the products shelf life (i.e. the expiry date). The manufacturers state that the amount of live bacteria at the point of manufacture is double that of the expiry date. Therefore the figures quoted below are minimum estimates of the number of live bacteria.

Ingredient Threelac Fivelac
Bacillus coagulans 500 million CFU 500 million CFU
Bacillus subtillis 500 million CFU 500 million CFU
Enterococcus Faecalis 500 million CFU 500 million CFU
Bifidobacterium longum None 500 million CFU
Lactobcillus acidophilus None 500 million CFU

*  CFU = Colony Forming Units.


Why don’t they contain more zillion, billion live bacteria?

Those who think that the “critical” factor is the number of live bacteria, may notice that although not terrible, the number of live bacteria in both Threelac and Fivelac is not especially high compared with some products around the same price. Based on the great feedback we get for these products, I have come to the conclusion that the number of live bacteria is not the most critical factor in determining which product to go for. What is critical where it comes to probiotics to contain candida yeast overgrowth, is whether the strains therein are reasonably strongly anti-candidal. As probiotics re-produce with incredibly rapidity, this seems to be more important than the number of live bacteria per capsule or sachet. And in Threelac and Fivelac we have two of the more reliable products on the market.

The importance of Oxygen for Candida control.

Candida like a sluggish, oxygen deficient environment. We always recommend candida sufferers to use a liquid oxygen product as well as taking probiotics such as Threelac. In an ideal world there are usually additional products that we would suggest, but probiotics along with a liquid oxygen product are usually a bare minimum for a reasonably comprehensive approach. Unfortunately it is not possible to tell you which of the four liquid oxygen products we provide will work best for any single individual, because individual results vary.

A number of people report back to us that Threelac or Fivelac “didn’t work”. In some cases they genuinely need to try one of the other ones which we provide, as there is a degree of trial and error required with some people (the same may be said of probiotic and herbal supplements for candida). However in many, many cases upon further investigation, we find that the customer did not take it as per the instructions, took it when they could be bothered or did not take it at all. Clearly customers are underestimating the value of using probiotics and FLOODING the body with oxygen to control candida overgrowth. Tinkering with oxygen basically doesn’t do anything.

Other Probiotics for Candida Control

Of course different probiotic products work for different people. Apart from Threelac and Fivelac, other probiotics which we really like for candida sufferers include Bio-Kult Candea  – containing 7 different probiotic strains, plus garlic and grapefruit seed extract which are scientifically proven natural antifungals. These are also proven to be compatible with the probiotic bacteria in Bio-Kult Candea.

We also like Optibac Probiotics for Bowel Calm (the latter especially for those with a tendency to diarrhea, but those who tend to get constipated should proceed with caution). For Bowel Calm contains the unique strain, Saccharomyces boulardii – an internationally acclaimed probiotic that naturally helps to control candida overgrowth and support bowel control and function during episodes of diarrhea.

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Wishing Good Health To All Our Valued Customers.

Mark G. Lester


– The Finchley Clinic Ltd – Visit our Facebook page here.