Suffering from Vitamin B12 deficiency? VeganSafe B12 is the answer

When you take the time to look into vitamins and try to work out which you need (clue: all of them!) and which you may need more of because you’re not getting enough in your daily diet, there is a danger it can all become a bit of an alphabet soup. Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin D and so on. What do they all do?

What’s the difference between them all? Do they really each contribute something important and different to each other for the human body? And then there’s the vitamins that come with numbers too; the ‘B Vitamins’ – Vitamins B1, B2, B6 and B12? What’s going on there?

The fact is they’re all crucial; you need a natural dosage of them all daily – if possible – from your diet – again, if possible. But what if that isn’t possible? What if you’re struggling with your diet or if you’re aware that your body isn’t capable of consuming and absorbing certain vitamins from your diet naturally? Well, in that situation; naturally derived supplementation is undoubtedly your solution.

For instance, let’s take a look at one of those ‘letter and number’ vitamins; Vitamin B12. It’s a good example because, unfortunately, as adults get older their innate ability to absorb it naturally in food reduces; thus, reliable supplementation’s a very effective option to turn to – and the best supplement they can turn to has to be VeganSafe B12.

VeganSafe B12 – your solution for B12 deficiency

First of all, as you’d have imagined from its name, this is a supplement that’s not just certified organic, GMO- and gluten-free but also ideal for vegans (and so for vegetarians and meat-eaters too, of course). Ingredients-wise, it comprises the two most bioactive coenzyme forms of B12 in existence (which means that, together, they’re the two most potent and positively active forms of the vitamin inside the body), namely methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin. To that end, they’re the two forms of B12 that are best when it comes to ensuring the vitamin performs what it’s most famous for; driving energy production.

Indeed, the supplement supports the production of energy in various different ways. Not only does it support the adrenal glands, it also contributes to red blood cell-formation (and cell growth and replication, in general, as well as DNA production) and aids in the conversion of carbohydrates to glucose (the latter being the fuel the body requires for generating energy).

And, let’s not pretend otherwise, B12 deficiency is bad news for the human body. Without adequate levels of the vitamin, a person can begin experiencing megaloblastic anaemia, asthma, constipation, depression, fatigue, low sperm count, memory loss, vision problems, weakness, weight loss and even possibly brain shrinkage. The results of preliminary studies also suggest there might even be a link between B12 deficiency and Alzheimer’s disease.

In the light of all that, you may conclude, should you not be doing so, adequately boosting your body’s B12 levels is pretty essential. Not least because it also operates as a defence against the common amino acid homocysteine (often consumed via eating meat); thus, offering nutritional support to different systems in the body – the nervous system and the cardiovascular system; homocysteine’s a cardiovascular stressor, in particular. Additionally, it’s believed that the methylcobalamin in B12 can help support sleep, by positively influencing melatonin secretion and light sensitivity; as well as aiding in the normalisation of the ‘body clock’.


But why choose VeganSafe B12, in particular? 

Well, just consider this – not only is VeganSafe B12 an easy-to-swallow liquid formula, it’s also particularly tasty (according to our customers!). Great news. But perhaps even better news is the fact the European Food Safety Authority reports that the combination of adenosylcobalamin and methylcobalamin is a reliable and entirely safe way to consume naturally occurring vitamin B121.

Also, its high absorbability ensures it doesn’t ask the liver to convert any of its constituent ingredients, which is exactly the opposite of what would happen were you to plump instead for many a cheaper alternative B12 supplement, like those comprising the lesser-quality B12 forms that are hydroxo- and cyanocobalamin. For instance, the latter, like it or not, contains a cyanide molecule that the liver’s forced to metabolise. There could be said to be some occasions when taking no vitamins is better than taking the wrong ones; this could well be one of them.

In contrast then, happily, VeganSafe B-12 with its primary ingredients of adenosylcobalamin and methylcobalamin, offers excellent absorption of the B12 your body needs, ensuring efficient use of the vitamin by your liver, brain and cardiovascular and nervous systems – and throughout the rest of your body too.