10 Tips To Keep Your Kidneys In Top Shape

When it comes to the excretory system, many of us tend to think of constituent parts like the anus, the large intestine and the liver; all of them massively important in the processing and excretion of waste products from the food and fluids we consume. But too easy to forget, it seems, are the kidneys, the two small, fist-like organs that sit either side of the spine within the ribcage and, tasked with filtering the blood to remove waste from the body in the form of urine, are an undeniably essential part of the intestinal tract and the excretory process.

How could we overlook them? Sadly, too many of us arguably do, as we don’t concern ourselves with looking after them – and, thus, our health – as well as we might. Here then are 10 ways to put that right…

  1. Keep an eye on your blood pressure

What’s less known about high blood pressure, unlike with heart attacks or strokes, is that of all causes it’s actually the most common of kidney damage. If your blood pressure’s between 120/80 (the normal level) and 139/89 you should generally look to make both dietary and lifestyle changes, as it’s liable to be too high; however, there are factors to consider alongside this that a medical professional would doubtless discuss with you. High blood pressure’s most likely to damage the liver when it occurs in conjunction with high cholesterol, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

  1. Keep your blood sugar levels under control

If you have difficulty controlling your blood sugar levels, it could be a sign you have or might develop diabetes – and diabetes can lead to kidney damage; as many as half of all diabetes sufferers experience damaged kidneys. If it’s detected early – and there’s a good chance it will be, as detection of diabetes itself is likely to result in all sorts of medical tests – kidney damage can certainly be reduced. Seeking the help of medical experts to properly manage your blood sugar levels, should you need to do so, is undoubtedly the best course of action; indeed, with diabetes it’s absolutely critical.

  1. Keep fit and stay and active

Generally speaking, human beings aren’t designed to lead sedentary lifestyles; therefore, at practically every stage of life it’s important for us to remain active via natural or recreational physical exercise. Just like with almost every aspect of the body, exercise benefits the kidneys as it’s excellent for reducing blood pressure and so diminishing the risk of chronic kidney disease (CKD).

  1. Adopt a healthy diet

As noted already, diabetes and heart problems are among the many conditions associated with kidney damage and, potentially, CKD – and you can take a big, healthy step towards showing them the door by changing your dietary habits. That means reducing your salt intake, ditching the processed foods, sugar-rich snacks and junk food and opting for more balanced sensible offerings, such as organic, fresh fruits and vegetables. In particular, though, diet-wise, the following foods are all excellent kidney health tips:


  • Cherries – crammed full of nutrients, so incredibly healthy in any case (Vitamins B6, C and K, folate and magnesium), it’s the citrate they contain, in particular, that’s so beneficial for the kidneys, as this decreases uric acid levels in the bloodstream1, large levels of which can lead to gout, arthritis and the development of kidney stones2


  • Cranberries – often recommended to help fend off urinary tract infections (UTIs), consumption of pure cranberry juice, when diluted in water, appears to reduce the levels of oxalate and phosphate in urine, which also decreases the risk of forming kidney stones3
  • Java tea – actually the herb Orthosiphon stamineus, which has played a role in folk medicine for many centuries, not least to treat kidney disorders; which recent research confirms it’s effective at doing, as well as supporting the liver and overall gastrointestinal tract and helping to stabilise blood pressure and blood sugar and provide antioxidant protection4
  • Onions and garlic – specifically, it’s the antioxidant flavonoid named quercetin that’s so beneficial for the kidneys in these root vegetables, particularly for smokers5.
  1. Keep hydrated

It’s very well established, of course, that drinking lots of water is one of the healthiest things you can do; when it comes to the kidneys, it helps to ensure these organs can clear out sodium, urea and other toxins, which means less damage for the kidneys, a reduced risk of developing CKD and better health for the overall body.

It’s worth bearing in mind, though, that one shouldn’t seek to excessively take on fluids for this reason – perhaps around two litres daily is about right for what the kidneys and the wider body requires; that said, exactly how much a body needs depends on various factors, such as pre-existing health conditions, climate, exercise levels and gender-specific dynamics like pregnancy and breast-feeding.

  1. Cut down your alcohol intake

Everybody knows drinking excessively is bad for you; it puts particular stress on the liver, the organ charged with detoxification in the body. That said, owing to the high level of toxins drinking to excess can introduce to the gastrointestinal system, it can toxify much of the system, which can help cause blockages and ill-health throughout and, thus, has a knock-on effect on the kidneys. It can also slow the rate of blood to the kidneys.

  1. Stop smoking

Quite obviously, quitting the cigarettes, tobacco and nicotine would be a very good move for your all-round health, but especially for the kidneys it’s very important because, as with alcohol, smoking slows blood flow to these organs. It’s more than worth noting too that smoking increases the risk of developing kidney cancer by a whopping 50%.

  1. Be mindful with pharmaceutical drugs

You should be careful of taking certain over-the-counter or prescription medication regularly (such as the painkiller Ibuprofen and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, or NSAIs) because, unless consumed with restraint, they’re widely accepted as causing kidney damage. Taking such drugs in times of emergencies or infrequently probably won’t pose your kidneys a risk if yours are relatively healthy, but doing so often – due to chronic pain issues like arthritis – could indeed be bad news for your kidneys.

  1. Get checked out if you’re ‘high risk’

The term ‘high risk’ here isn’t intended to sound alarming, merely to suggest that should you have any pre-existing medical issues like diabetes, hypertension, obesity or you’re aware kidney disease runs in your family, then you should have your kidneys tested by medical professionals as you may fall into a ‘high risk’ category of potentially developing kidney-related conditions, such as CKD.

  1. Cleanse your kidneys

Finally, there are few things more helpful you can do for your kidneys than to give them a thorough and regular cleanse. Why? Because it aids them in their natural efforts of removing all the toxins and harmful micro-organisms that like to take root but don’t belong in them, ensuring these little organs function as effectively as possible. To that end, do check out the ‘Kidney Health’ section of The Finchley Clinic website, where you’ll find many naturally-derived products to aid your kidney-supporting efforts, including these kidney cleanse supplements:


Kidney Health Kit – a full cleansing kit for the kidneys; it gives them a boost with Renaltrex and supports and drives toxin removal thanks to Oxy-Powder and Latero-Flora.


ORËÁ – a whole-body, natural toxin remover (thus ideal for organs, glands, cellular tissue and the blood); it’s great at eliminating environmental toxins, such as arsenic, biotoxins, lead, mercury and solvents.


Green Magma (Barley Grass Powder) – a certified organic extract of young Green Barley juice that may well aid detoxification, improve digestion and increase energy.



  1. Zhang Y., Neogi T., Chen C., Chaisson C., Hunter D. J. and Choi H. K. ‘Cherry consumption and decreased risk of recurrent gout attacks’. Arthritis Rheum. Dec 2012; 64 (12): 4004-11.
  2. Saito J., Matsuzawa Y., Ito H., Omura M., Ito Y., Yoshimura K., Yajima Y., Kino T. and Nishikawa T. ‘The alkalizer citrate reduces serum uric acid levels and improves renal function in hyperuricemic patients treated with the xanthine oxidase inhibitor allopurinol’. Endocr Res. 2010; 35 (4): 145-54.
  3. McHarg T., Rodgers A. and Charlton K. ‘Influence of cranberry juice on the urinary risk factors for calcium oxalate kidney stone formation’. BJU Int. Nov 2003; 92 (7): 765-8.
  4. Ameer O. Z., Salman I. M., Asmawi M. Z., Ibraheem Z. O. and Yam M. F. ‘Orthosiphon stamineus: traditional uses, phytochemistry, pharmacology, and toxicology’. J Med Food. Aug 2012; 15 (8): 678-90.
  5. Wilson R. T., Wang J., Chinchilli V., Richie J. P., Virtamo J., Moore L.E. and Albanes D. ‘Fish, vitamin D, and flavonoids in relation to renal cell cancer among smokers’. Am J Epidemiol. Sep 2009; 170 (6): 717-29.

Keep Your Colon And Liver Clear: Do They Need Cleansing?

Undeniably, a good deal of our ill-health can be traced to the colon – the large intestine in the digestive system – owing to this being where so many of the harmful toxins and micro-organisms that we consume congregate before they get carried away elsewhere in the body or start doing no good. So taking care of the colon ought to be a top priority for all of us, but how many of us actually do? How many of us even consider doing so? Not enough. Not to put too fine a point on it, keeping your digestive tract in good working order and ensuring your colon’s healthy is crucial – and a regular colon cleanse can go a very long way here. Moreover, you may consider a liver cleanse too; the liver being the utterly crucial organ involved in detoxifying the content that passes through the colon.

The importance of the colon

To understand just why the colon’s so critical to your body and why its upkeep’s so critical to your health, it’s important to appreciate just what it does. To put it crudely, the colon could be considered the waste management station of the human body. As digestion of the food you consume takes place, the left-over, non-nutritious and unnecessary waste products pass from the stomach, via the liver (in charge of detoxification) and into the colon as a conduit on their way to being excreted from the body altogether; that said, important nutrients are still absorbed and hormones produced in the colon while this happens.

All of which means that it’s essential for the colon to be capable of working as efficiently as possible – so many cells and tissues throughout the body (among them again, the liver) rely on this being the case. If not, waste can’t be properly processed and nutrients yet to be absorbed from ‘waste food’ (including the likes of vitamins, electrolytes and even water) won’t be removed from the otherwise digested food for the body to use and so benefit from.

So, the colon isn’t just an organic tunnel that waste passes through on its way to the anus; it also plays an absolutely crucial role in the determination of what nutrients are pulled from food (and redistributed) and what’s discarded along with the waste.

Colon and liver cleanse benefits

As noted then, in order to help the colon and the liver keep themselves in tip-top condition; it’s highly advisable to regularly cleanse them. More specifically, you might do so to clear health-endangering blockages. Like it or not, it’s estimated that the average person has between seven and 10 pounds of pre-existing faecal matter in their colon at any one time – and that’s even the case should they have a regular bowel movement each day.

While that probably doesn’t sound like something you want to ponder on, it’s prudent to note that an accumulation of waste on the colon’s walls creates an ideal environment for parasites, ‘bad’ bacteria, yeast and viruses to set up home and multiply. Plus, waste that’s clogging up the colon means the new waste that ought to be passing into it from the liver is backed up (and here’s why it’s wise to cleanse your liver if you’re considering on cleansing your colon).

Indeed, too often, in a worryingly high proportion of people the detoxification pathways of the liver are essentially blocked. And the trouble with this is that, in time, toxins can build up in them – food for thought, as it were, given that it’s believed the average person’s exposed to more than 120 toxins every day thanks to the food, fluids and water they consume, the personal care products they use, the stress they experience and the air they breathe.

Cleansing the colon and the liver in order to prevent blockage of detoxification pathways is highly advisable then; not least because the latter can potentially lead to what’s known as autointoxication (poisoning by a toxin created in the body). Indeed, one expert even believes so many ‘undesirable consequences’ in the body can be traced back to autointoxication that it’s essentially the cause – as far as the body’s concerned – of many of the today’s illnesses and diseases1.

What undesirable consequences, though? Well, we’re talking symptoms like aching muscles and joints; candida (or a general yeast) infection; congestion; constipation; diarrhoea; difficulty breathing; difficulty concentrating and ‘fuzzy thinking’; eye vision issues; fever; fatigue; flu-like symptoms; hormonal imbalance; insomnia; mucus discharge; vomiting and weight gain. If you find yourself suffering from a good number of these problems and issues at the same time then there’s a chance your liver’s detoxification pathways are blocked and, because of that, you might be suffering from autointoxication.

Autointoxication – the ins and outs

Just to be clear, though; as you’d no doubt assume, autointoxication isn’t an occurrence that’s altogether straightforward – or, at least, its causation isn’t. While blockages in the colon and liver can often be behind the problem, it’s worth bearing in mind there could be other reasons for such toxin trouble in the body. The causes for autointoxication then tend to be one of the following:

  • Blockages backing up waste in the colon – as noted, this causes a traffic jam in the intestinal tract, trailing back to the liver and possibly the kidneys
  • Congestion in the liver – should the liver on its own be blocked up thanks to toxins and, thus, perform sluggishly, it can be further compromised thanks to toxins in the colon enjoying a freer rein and further poisoning the liver, slowing down the liver even more
  • Adrenal fatigue or low thyroid – if you have issues with either (or both) the adrenal glands and/ or the thyroid gland and they’re not producing the hormone levels they ought to be, then it’s almost inevitable your body will become fatigued, resulting in a sluggish colon, constipation and autointoxication; if you’re not sleeping well, it’s bound to have a knock-on effect on the efficacy of these glands as well.

Colon and liver cleanse supplements

So, should you have established you’re suffering from autointoxication thanks to colon (and/ or liver) blockages or you merely suspect your colon and liver are more clogged up than they should be, cleansing them is the answer. In addition to cutting-out junk food, excessive alcohol intake and any recreational drug use (all of which you’re highly advised to do to ensure your gastrointestinal system functions to the best of its ability), you might to take a look at the following cleansing supplements collections available from us at The Finchley Clinic:



GHC Colon Cleanse Kit – a combination of naturally-derived supplements to aid effective and easy cleansing of the colon, featuring the intestinal flora-promoting Oxy-Powder and the excellent probiotic Latero-Flora.


GHC Liver Health Kit – an all-natural approach to cleansing and rejuvenating the liver and gallbladder, which calls on the power of Livatrex to kick-start the organ’s own natural cleansing abilities and Oxy-Powder to facilitate toxin removal, alongside the unique probiotic that’s Latero-Flora.


Harmful Organism Cleanse Kit – designed to flush and cleanse your body of harmful organisms; it includes one bottle of Latero-Flora and two bottles of Paratrex, which aims to help create an environment inhospitable to unwanted organisms.



  1. Jensen, B. ‘Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management’. Escondido. 1981. p 20.

The Candizolv Solution and More: Supplements To Combat Candida

Many of us are aware that we should take care of our bodies and maintain a sensible, balanced, healthy lifestyle so we don’t become obese and avoid the potential onset of type 2 diabetes. Yet far fewer of us are aware that doing those things are good for us because they also help to avoid an ‘overgrowth’ – or imbalance – of a particular kind of harmful yeast in our bodies, namely candida alcibans. If this micro-organism is allowed to run riot it can cause us all sorts of issues and ill-health – but, happily, it can be pretty easily treated, so long as you’re in the know!

Like it or not, candida alcibans is present in the bodies of billions of us humans; in fact, more than half of all of us on the planet – it can be found on the skin, in mucous membranes and in the gut (the intestinal system)1. That’s nothing to be afraid of in itself, however; so long as there’s a balance – especially in the gut – between ‘good bacteria’ (of which probiotics, a term you’ve no doubt heard of and may be familiar with) and ‘bad bacteria’ (candida, other yeasts and other potential micro-organisms), or a tipping of those levels in the good bacteria’s favour, then there no reason to worry. The trouble comes when those levels tip in the bad bacteria’s favour. Indeed, one such reason can be because of a suppressed (or weakened) immune system – possibly owing to an illness such as AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) or debilitating but necessary chemotherapy treatment – and don’t doubt it; the result can be candida going haywire and quickly spreading through your entire body2. Not pleasant.

And it’s an issue that’s only becoming more recognisable for people – estimates suggest that in the United States alone now, 25,000 people develop a candida imbalance each year. This is something worth worrying about – and undoubtedly necessary to address. Because, as noted, candida can be effectively nipped in the bud when it begins to thrive, yet only with the right treatment; increasingly so, it appears that the traditional methods are the wrong treatments (like many infections, the fungal-type’s becoming increasingly resistant to antibiotics and other synthetically-produced drugs).

This means then that today, without the right treatment, up to 1.5 million people around the world could actually die from fungal infections like candida each year3 – a staggering thought, but entirely preventable thanks to naturally-derived candida-combating supplements, such as one of the latest available through The Finchley Clinic, Candizolv (more on that to come).

Candida overgrowth causes

As noted above, it’s important to try to avoid candida overgrowth before it takes hold (prevention’s always the best cure!); to that end such causes to be wary of include:

  • Alcohol – just as a poor, sugar-rich diet can contribute to microbial imbalance, so too can chronic alcohol consumption; far from everyone is likely to develop a candida overgrowth through this, of course, but owing to the levels of alcoholic indulgence in the UK, it’s certainly worthy of mention4
  • Antibiotics – while they’re far from effective at tackling fungal infections, antibiotics can actually help fuel them (in part, that’s precisely why they struggle to treat them); because, if they’re doing their job, antibiotics will kill all bacteria, inevitably upsetting the bacteria balance (or microbiome)
  • Compromised immunity – an effectively functioning immune system is crucial to help keep us fit and healthy; in order to fight all the infections that find their way into our bodies through the food and drink we consume and the air we breathe and, inevitably this goes for keeping candida in check too (note that your immunity can be compromised by many and various medical conditions and their medications5, 6, 7)
  • Diabetes – as mentioned at the outset, diabetes and candida imbalance can both occur simultaneously, thus the latter is common among sufferers of the former; specifically, high blood glucose levels (hyperglycaemia) challenges the immune system, thus diminishing the urine’s ability to carry away antibacterial content and impeding the digestive system as a whole8
  • Other health factors that may cause candida overgrowth are kidney failure (or haemodialysis treatment), organ transplantation or even possibly pregnancy.

Candida symptoms

So much for the causes, but how can you tell you may be suffering from candida imbalance? Well, if you experience a number of the following symptoms simultaneously, it’s well worth checking with a professional health practitioner, as the reason could be candida or fungal overgrowth:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Anal, penile or vaginal itching
  • Arthritis-like joint pains
  • Bloating, constipation and indigestion
  • Ever increasing food allergies (for instance, gluten or celiac problems)
  • Eyesight issues
  • Fatigue and exhaustion
  • Halitosis (bad breath)
  • Itching eyes
  • Loss of hair
  • Mucous drainage from ears
  • Oral thrush
  • Seemingly incurable weight gain (or weight loss)
  • Significant sinus drainage
  • Sweet food cravings
  • Skin rashes (i.e. eczema or atopic dermatitis; in skin folds or around the groin)
  • Struggling to focus and concentrate
  • Toe-nail fungi

Combating candida the natural way

So, with laboratory-produced medication proving increasingly ineffective in restoring balance to the microbiome and ceasing the spread of candida throughout the body, the natural alternative is to, yes, turn to natural solutions. Recent research suggests that the likes of lavender oil9 and garlic may prove beneficial in boosting immunity and combating candida, but just how effective they are is open to question; more research is necessary here. As is the case with the potentially promising antifungal properties of colloidal silver10.

What’s in far less doubt, though, given their efficacy has been proven via rigorous testing and customer feedback, are that naturally-derived products created specifically to tackle candida and restoring the microbiome to healthy levels are likely to prove a better bet. To that end, we recommend you take a look at the ‘Candida’ product section of our website, among which you’ll find these three excellent Candida supplements:


Candizolv – a blend of chitinase, chitosanase and other yeast dissolving enzymes, this fat-soluble candida infection solution targets the body’s fat cells themselves; slowly releasing its anti-fungal properties over time, thus weakening all yeast cells effectively, no matter their location in the body.



Threelac – our best-selling probiotic, this supplement (along with its sister product Fivelac) is consistently highly reviewed by satisfied customers, aiming as it does to control digestion and stomach problems and crowd out harmful flora in the intestines.


Wild Endive Formula – a botanical food supplement that goes together well with Candizolv as part of a candida-balancing regime, owing to the fact it may well help treat the effects of die-off reaction (the release of metabolic by-products following the destruction of candida cells).


  1. ‘Tracking down pathogenic yeasts’. Fraunhofer. https://www.fraunhofer.de/en/press/research-news/2010/09/biotechnica-2010.html. Sep 2010.
  2. Hickman M. A. et al. ‘The ‘obligate diploid’ Candida albicans forms mating-competent haploids’. Nature. Feb 2013; 494 (7435): 55
  3. O’Meara T. R. et al. ‘Global analysis of fungal morphology exposes mechanisms of host cell escape’. Nat Commun. Mar 2015; 6: 6741.
  4. Choi J., Lee C., Lim Y., Kang H., Lim C. and Choi J. S. ‘Prevalence and Risk Factors of Esophageal Candidiasis in Healthy Individuals: A Single Center Experience in Korea’. Yonsei Med J. Jan 2013; 54 (1): 160–165.
  5. Maksymiuk A. W., Thongprasert S., Hopfer R., Luna M., Fainstein V. and Bodey G. P. ‘Systemic candidiasis in cancer patients’. Am J Med. Oct 1984; 77 (4D): 20-7.
  6. Fichtenbaum C. and Aberg J. ‘Candidiasis and HIV’. HIV InSite. Knowledge Base Chapter. Feb 2006.
  7. ‘Medications that Weaken Your Immune System and Fungal Infections’. CDC. cdc.gov. Page last reviewed: Jan 2017.
  8. Casqueiro J., Casqueiro J. and Alves C. ‘Infections in patients with diabetes mellitus: A review of pathogenesis’. Indian J Endocrinol Metab. Mar 2012; 16 (Suppl1): S27–S36.
  9. Zuzarte, M. et al. ‘Chemical composition and antifungal activity of the essential oils of Lavandula viridis L’Hér’. Journal of Medical Microbiology. 2011; 60, 612–618
  10. Groosh A. et al. ‘The prevalence of opportunistic pathogens associated with intraoral implants’. Lett Appl Microbiol. May 2011; 52 (5): 501-5.

Cannabidiol Benefits: Why CBD Is Entirely Benign and Very Good For You

In many societies and communities throughout the world, marijuana and cannabis are dirty words. In one way, that’s entirely understandable. The use of cannabis oil to create marijuana as a recreational drug has been popular for decades, but is rightly heavily regulated – in many places it remains illegal – not least as it’s inevitably used as a gateway to even stronger and more dangerous drugs. However, cannabis’s use in the creation of medical marijuana – and the use of the latter – is a different kettle of fish, but no less a political and legal hot potato. For many, it’s cannabis/ marijuana full-stop and should simply be illegal; for others, although related to and associated with recreational marijuana, it’s produced for quite a different purpose and can do its users untold good and, for that reason, there should be no impediment to its legal production and consumption.

The undeniable reality – based on hard evidence – is that a prominent compound found in cannabis/ marijuana, namely cannabidiol (CBD), is of great benefit to the health of the human body; indeed, it’s proven to be able to help treat several different ailments and diseases. So much so, in fact, that nowadays CBD’s available as a naturally-derived nutritional supplement; one that’s highly recommended simply because the entirely benign and hugely beneficial nature of CBD should not – and cannot – be ignored any longer.

First things first, though; CBD has nothing to do with THD and doesn’t have the same effect on people when it’s consumed. It’s true that they’re both cannabinoids – the class of ingredients that are unique to the Cannabis sativa plant, but it’s only the infamous THD (or tetrahydrocannbinol, to call it by its full name) that has mind-altering effects in users; CBD doesn’t at all. Indeed, CBD is the major non-psychoactive ingredient in Cannabis sativa, hence its enormous suitability as the source for health-providing supplements.

But what of those health-providing properties? Well, according to a 2013 study, it appears that CBD has anti-inflammatory, anti-convulsant, anxiolytic and antioxidant properties, ensuring it has the capacity to help treat the likes of oxidative injury, epilepsy, vomiting and nausea, neuroinflammation and anxiety1.

In which case then, let’s take a closer look at some of these significant CBD health benefits…

  • Anxiety – as noted, CBD appears to possess anxiolytic (anxiety-reducing) effects. Indeed, research published in 2012 confirms that the cannabinoid can help treat patients with social anxiety disorder and may be effective for those suffering from obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), panic disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder2.

Moreover, a study published the year before found that, among social disorder sufferers, CBD pre-treatment significantly reduced their anxiety, cognitive impairment and discomfort during a public speaking exercise3.

  • Cardiovascular health – when it comes to the health of the heart and blood vessels, it appears that CBD may help protect against vascular damage caused by consumption of high-glucose foods, inflammation and type 2 diabetes; plus, evidence suggests it can play a significant role in reducing associated vascular hyperpermeability (a cause of leaky gut in the digestive system)4.
  • Diabetes – results from a study conducted in 2006 showed a significant reduction of diabetes among non-obese diabetic mice (diabetes occurred in just 30% of those treated with CBD, but occurred in 86% of those not treated); while treated mice also experienced considerably reduced insulitis5.

Additionally, the 2005-10 National Health and Nutritional Survey – conducted on adults in the United States – discovered that marijuana-use (and, thus, consumption of CBD) was associated with 16% lower fasting insulin levels among the more then 4,500 participants6.

  • Nausea and vomiting – like it or not, cannabis has a long, centuries-long history of use in societies for treating – and, therefore, suppressing – nausea and vomiting; among around 80 other cannabinoids, CBD has been proved by animal studies to be effective at reducing or eliminating them both (a 2012 study discovered it possessed anti-nausea and antiemetic properties when administered to rats7). 

It should be noted, however, that CBD appears to behave in a diphasic fashion in this area; low doses suppress vomiting induced by toxins, while high doses appear to do the opposite or have no effect at all.

  • Pain and inflammation – as with many so-called synthetic painkillers, CBD may prove effective in modulating pain thanks to its ability to inhibit neuronal transmission via pain pathways; for instance, recent research found it successfully suppressed chronic inflammation and neuropathic pain in rodents8, while a 2007 study discovered that CBD (together with the entirely legal THC buccal spray) was effective as a treatment for neuropathic pain among sufferers of multiple sclerosis9.
  • Seizures – a 2014 Stanford University survey into epilepsy and use of CBD-enriched cannabis saw an 84% drop in seizures among children, among whom 42% enjoyed more than an 80% reduction; the study also found further beneficial effects of CBD cannabis among sufferers, including increased alertness, improved mood and better sleep, although drowsiness and fatigue were reported as side-effects10.

In the same year, another child-based study – involving sufferers of treatment-resistant epilepsy – revealed that nearly one in four (39%) of those who received an oil-based CBD extract experienced a 50% seizure reduction after three months11.

  • Other benefits – it appears that, along with other cannabinoids, CBD is effective in modulating central nervous system (CNS) excitability and the immune system’s response to this condition12, 13, while further research suggests that it can enhance both musculoskeletal system function and joint health14.


So then, as has hopefully now been made clear, CBD in supplement form offers many important benefits for your health. To that end, you may be interested to learn that here at The Finchley Clinic we can now offer you a pair of CBD supplements that, via the dynamically advanced, liposomal nutritional-delivery process, ensure you’ll receive the greatest possible health value and support from cannabidiol:


Liposomal CBD – Professional Strength – derived from ethically sourced hemp (with a mix of sativa and indica), this supplement is the best quality, most absorbable European liposomal CBD product available; it’s said to be up to six times better absorbed than regular CBD oil containing the same amount of cannabinoids.


Liposomal CBD (60mg) – the 60ml version of this new class of bio-available supplement; making use of state-of-the-art, nano-particle technology to ensure much higher absorption than comparative products, it offers the full spectrum of CBD via CO2 extraction.


  1. Fernández-Ruiz J., Sagredo O., Pazos M. R., García C., Pertwee R., Mechoulam R. and Martínez-Orgado J. ‘Cannabidiol for neurodegenerative disorders: important new clinical applications for this phytocannabinoid?’. Br J Clin Pharmacol. Feb 2013; 75 (2): 323-33.
  2. Schier A. R., Ribeiro N. P., Silva A. C., Hallak J. E., Crippa J. A., Nardi A. E. and Zuardi A. W. ‘Cannabidiol, a Cannabis sativa constituent, as an anxiolytic drug’. Rev Bras Psiquiatr. Jun 2012; 34 Suppl 1: 104-10.
  3. Bergamaschi M. M. et al. ‘Cannabidiol Reduces the Anxiety Induced by Simulated Public Speaking in Treatment-Naïve Social Phobia Patients’. Neuropsychopharmacology. May 2011; 36 (6): 1,219–1226.
  4. Stanley C. P., Hind W. H. and O’Sullivan S. E. ‘Is the cardiovascular system a therapeutic target for cannabidiol?’. Br J Clin Pharmacol. Feb 2013; 75 (2): 313-22.
  5. Weiss L., Zeira M., Reich S., Har-Noy M., Mechoulam R., Slavin S. and Gallily R. ‘Cannabidiol lowers incidence of diabetes in non-obese diabetic mice’. Autoimmunity. Mar 2006; 39 (2): 143-51.
  6. Penner E. A., Buettner H. and Mittleman, M. A. ‘The Impact of Marijuana Use on Glucose, Insulin, and Insulin Resistance among US Adults’. Amjmed. Jul 2013; 126 (7): 583–589.
  7. Rock E. M. et al. ‘Cannabidiol, a non-psychotropic component of cannabis, attenuates vomiting and nausea-like behaviour via indirect agonism of 5-HT(1A) somatodendritic autoreceptors in the dorsal raphe nucleus’. Br J Pharmacol. Apr 2012; 165 (8): 2,620-34.
  8. Xiong W. ‘Cannabinoids suppress inflammatory and neuropathic pain by targeting α3 glycine receptors’. J Exp Med. Jun 2012; 209 (6): 1,121-34.
  9. Iskedjian M., Bereza B., Gordon A., Piwko C. and Einarson T. R. ‘Meta-analysis of cannabis based treatments for neuropathic and multiple sclerosis-related pain’. Curr Med Res Opin. Jan 2007; 23 (1): 17-24.
  10. Porter B. E. and Jacobson C. ‘Report of a parent survey of cannabidiol-enriched cannabis use in pediatric treatment-resistant epilepsy’. Epilepsy Behav. Dec 2013; 29 (3): 574–577.
  11. Devinsky O. et al. ‘Efficacy and safety of Epidiolex (Cannabidiol) in children and young adults with treatment-resistant epilepsy: initial data from an expanded program’. American Epilepsy Society. Abst. 3.303. 2014.
  12. Resstel L. B. et al. ‘5-HT1A receptors are involved in the cannabidiol-induced attenuation of behavioural and cardiovascular responses to acute restraint stress in rats’. Br J Pharmacol. Jan 2009; 156 (1): 181-8.
  13. Costa B. et al. ‘The non-psychoactive cannabis constituent cannabidiol is an orally effective therapeutic agent in rat chronic inflammatory and neuropathic pain’. Eur J Pharmacol. Feb 2007; 556 (1-3): 75-83.
  14. Malfait A. M. et al. ‘The nonpsychoactive cannabis constituent cannabidiol is an oral anti-arthritic therapeutic in murine collagen-induced arthritis’. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. Aug 2000; 97 (17): 9,561-6.

An e-ssential vitamin? Why Vitamin E’s so important – and where to get it

Everybody is surely – or, at least, should be – aware of how good vitamins are for their bodies. What fewer people are aware of, though, is that they need to consume an adequate amount of vitamins on a very regular basis not just to keep their body healthy but to keep it functioning properly at all. No question then, vitamins are brilliant; they’re essential. And a great example is one that’s maybe not as heralded as one of two of the others – Vitamin E.

Also known as tocopheral (in all its different naturally-occurring forms), Vitamin E’s a fat-soluble nutrient, which means it can be dissolved by lipids (fats in the body); this feature obviously plays a crucial role in how it operates in the human body, ensuring it helps to maintain eyesight1, aid the tackling of gout2 and proves critical for those suffering from arthritic symptoms3, to name just a few of the things it does.

Vitamin E benefits

But let’s take a closer look at Vitamin E’s multiple health benefits. There really are so many. Perhaps more than anything else, it’s well known for its antioxidant qualities4; contributing greatly to boosting and preserving the health of cell membranes and the tissues of the breast, eyes, liver, skin and testes5. And, like all antioxidants, it’s highly effective at swinging into action and ceasing molecules known as ‘free radicals’ from their harmful behaviour when they’ve found their way into the body6.

What do they do? Well, a free radical is uncharged (it lacks an electron), thus it likes nothing better to than try and chemically ‘complete’ itself by pairing with another electron-carrying molecule; but an antioxidant likes nothing more that stopping a free radical in its tracks – and ensuring its behaviour doesn’t cause oxidative stress7. This, in turn, can help pave the way to serious ailments like neurodegenerative disease8, while free radicals are also associated with arthritis, heart disease, hypertension, senility and even cancer5.

More than just an antioxidant

Vitamin E’s nothing if not versatile, though. For instance, in combination with Vitamin A, it works to reduce cholesterol and prevent general accumulation of fat around the body5. Moreover, owing to its antioxidant properties (which ensure it can minimise clotting and thus aid in the healing process of wounds), it’s felt to be useful when consumed immediately prior to and after surgery – that is, if a daily prescribed dosage is no higher than 200-300 IUs; otherwise it may work towards suppressing healing5.

It’s a vitamin that’s also particularly beneficial for the skin, specifically when it comes to helping to repair burns, lesions and ulcers9, and appears (to some extent) to help relieve menstrual pains – in addition to mitigating other menstrual-related symptoms like headaches, hot flushes and vaginal itching5. And, just to round things out, Vitamin E’s also believed to aid the treatment of leg cramps, muscular dystrophy10, restless leg syndrome11 and diabetes-caused circulatory issues12.

Vitamin E foods and supplements

Quite frankly, any nutritionist is likely to tell you that, ideally, your best sources for Vitamin E are foods rich in the nutrient that you can incorporate into your daily – or, at least, regular – diet. Of particularly high Vitamin E-content are the likes of safflower oil, wheat-germ oil and sunflower oil and seeds, as well as nuts like hazelnuts and walnuts, and vegetables including asparagus, broccoli, celery, cucumber, green peas, kale, spinach and tomatoes5.

However, whether or not you truly can incorporate those foods into your diet is, unfortunately, a moot point; too many of us – for whatever reason – eat too little of truly healthy foods nowadays, with modern food processing techniques and the increasing use of pesticides in farming negatively impacting on even supposedly nutrient-rich foods’ actual nutrient content. In which case, to successfully boost your intake of vitamin E – especially if a medical expert has informed you you’re deficient in it – your best bet is to turn to supplementation. Now, don’t doubt it; you want to go for naturally-derived Vitamin E supplements here, not their often dubious synthetic substitutes (which contain laboratory-manufactured vitamin content that’s usually nowhere near as nutritious). Indeed, among those available through us at The Finchley Clinic, you might well consider the following:


True Food Natural Vitamin E – in addition to Vitamin E, this highly bioavailable supplement contains B vitamins, beta glucans, glutathione, choline, inositol, amino acids and other phytonutrients; it may help protect cell membranes from oxidative damage, support healthy skin as the body ages and, when combined with True Food Super Potency Soyagen, it may help ease menopausal symptoms.


Antioxidant Supreme – an all-encompassing natural antioxidant supplement solution for fighting free radicals and to boost anti-ageing and general health; contains the essential Vitamins A, C and E, as well as the equally critical minerals that are copper, manganese, selenium, zinc and co-enzyme Q10.


Super Antioxidant Protection – a powerful formula designed to supply the body with the key fat-soluble antioxidant nutrients that are Vitamins C and E (which work to reduce oxidation, not least in the arteries), as well as glutathione (absorbed into the body to form glutathione peroxidase, a major antioxidant enzyme), n-acetyl cysteine that works to maintain glutathione levels and Vitamin B2 that aid its regeneration; additionally, the minerals manganese, selenium and zinc promote antioxidant enzymes throughout the body.

Super Antioxidant Protection – a powerful formula designed to supply the body with the key fat-soluble antioxidant nutrients that are Vitamins C and E (which work to reduce oxidation, not least in the arteries), as well as glutathione (absorbed into the body to form glutathione peroxidase, a major antioxidant enzyme), n-acetyl cysteine that works to maintain glutathione levels and Vitamin B2 that aid its regeneration; additionally, the minerals manganese, selenium and zinc promote antioxidant enzymes throughout the body.


1. Larsen P. D., Mock D. M. and O’Connor P. S. ‘Vitamin E deficiency associated with vision loss and bulbar weakness’. Ann Neurol. 1985 Dec; 18 (6): 725-7

2. Hsu, D-Z et al. ‘Therapeutic Effects of Sesame Oil on Monosodium Urate Crystal-Induced Acute Inflammatory Response in Rats’. SpringerPlus 2, Dec 2013): 659. PMC.

3. Choi E. J., Bae S. C., Yu R., Youn J. and Sung M. K. ‘Dietary vitamin E and quercetin modulate inflammatory responses of collagen-induced arthritis in mice’. J Med Food. Aug 2009; 12 (4): 770-5.

4. ‘Vitamin E: Health Sheet for Consumers’. National Institute of Health. https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/VitaminE-Consumer/. Last updated: May 2016.

5. Haas E. M. and Levin B. ‘Chapter 5: Vitamins: Vitamin E.’ from ‘Staying Healthy with Nutrition: The Complete Guide to Diet and Nutritional Medicine’. Berkeley: Celestial Arts; 2006.

6. Lobo V. et al. ‘Free Radicals, Antioxidants and Functional Foods: Impact on Human Health’. Pharmacognosy Reviews 4.8; Jul-Dec 2010: 118–126. PMC.

7. Jakus V. ‘The role of free radicals, oxidative stress and antioxidant systems in diabetic vascular disease’. Bratisl Lek Listy. 2000; 101 (10): 541-51.

8. Uttara Bayani et al. ‘Oxidative Stress and Neurodegenerative Diseases: A Review of Upstream and Downstream Antioxidant Therapeutic Options’. Current Neuropharmacology 7.1 Mar 2009: 65–74. PMC.

9. Thiele J. J., Hsieh S. N. and Ekanayake-Mudiyanselage S. ‘Vitamin E: critical review of its current use in cosmetic and clinical dermatology’. Dermatol Surg. Jul 2005; 31 (7 Pt 2): 805-13; discussion 813.

10. Berneske G. M. et al. ‘Clinical Trial of High Dosage Vitamin E in Human Muscular Dystrophy’. Canadian Medical Association Journal 82.8; Feb 1960: 418–421.

11. Ayres S. Jr. and Mihan R. ‘Leg Cramps (Systremma) and ‘Restless Legs’ Syndrome — Response to Vitamin E (Tocopherol)’. California Medicine 111.2; Aug 1969: 87–91.

12. Jain, A. B. and Jain V. A. ‘Vitamin E, Its Beneficial Role in Diabetes Mellitus (DM) and Its Complications’. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research: JCDR 6.10; Dec 2012: 1624–1628. PMC.

Natural or synthetic vitamins? Why you should go the organic supplement route

If you’re familiar with this website and you’ve taken the time to look through some of the supplement solutions we provide, you’ll have noticed, no doubt, that we only sell organic supplements – that is, products that comprise vitamins and minerals in their naturally-occurring states. We do not and never will advocate the use of synthetic vitamins or the supplements that contain them; certainly not over organic supplements with their natural vitamins.

But, you may ask, why is this? What’s so special about going the organic route? Why are natural vitamins so much better for you than their synthetic counterparts? Well, first of all, perhaps you should consider why it’s so critical we consume a comprehensive and large helping of vitamins on a daily basis; consider what’s so important about vitamins in the first place./span>

Put simply, if our bodies aren’t provided with an adequate amount of vitamins on a consistent basis, they simply don’t function properly. If we’re deficient in the vitamins we need, we can experience problems and even suffer from chronic illnesses – everything from obesity to anorexia; depression and fatigue to organ malfunction. Ideally, we should get all the vitamins and minerals we need from our diets – and our diets ought to contain as natural, organic and healthily vitamin- and nutrient-rich food as possible; the sort our ancestors would have eaten. That is, foods without a synthetic ingredient in them at all. Nowadays, though, owing to our hectic lives, exactly what foods we can regularly buy and modern farming techniques, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to get all the natural vitamins our bodies require from diet alone, so supplements specifically containing organic vitamins – and not synthetic supplements – have to be the answer.

Synthetic vitamins vs natural vitamins

Unlike the natural vitamins in organic supplements then, their synthetic versions are manufactured via the mixing of chemicals with a vitamin; thus, they don’t come directly from a plant-based, natural source but are created in a test tube to more or less mimic natural vitamins. However, because these ‘unnatural’ versions have been isolated to be mixed into a synthetic compound, they don’t – and simply can’t – fully mimic naturally-occurring vitamins because they lack all the features of the latter, including the co-factors and transporters (natural chemicals that ensure the natural vitamin is, following consumption, transported effectively from the digestive system to where it needs to go in the body).

Indeed, according to research validated by the Organic Consumers Association, synthetic vitamins simply can’t be classed alongside naturally-occurring vitamins as the body isn’t able to recognise them and so can’t use them in the same way1. They’re simply not as good for the body. Natural vitamins – because of the way in which they’re consumed (in healthy food or organic supplements) – are delivered to the body alongside other complementary vitamins, minerals and enzymes specifically because, in this format, the vitamins can be recognised, metabolised and absorbed by the body to aid its overall function and health.

Conversely then, it’s too often the case that isolated, synthetic vitamins have to be stored in the body before it obtains – or creates – the nutrients and enzymes necessary to get out any of the goodness these synthetic vitamins contain. Or worse, the body has to rely on its own store of trace minerals for this job; thus diminishing its mineral reserves and perhaps contributing to potential mineral deficiencies.

The dangers of synthetic vitamins

So then, far from doing you good, synthetic vitamins are sometimes liable to do your body harm. A good example to consider is the synthetic version of Vitamin E. The most common naturally-occurring form of this vitamin in Europe is d-alpha tocopheral (found in sunflower oils and olive oils), while its synthetic form is what’s referred to as dl-alpha tocopheral. Not only is this latter less bioavailable and about only half as potent than the former, it’s also created by blending the natural version (the ‘d-form’) with other chemical ingredients (which make up the ‘l-form’). Sure, that may sound rudimentary, yet when you learn that the latter ‘l-form’ has to be separated from the ‘d-form’ once it’s in the body and then excreted via the digestive system, you have to ponder on whether it might harm the body? After all, why else would the body reject it and eject it through excretion?

Additionally, Vitamin E – along with Vitamins A, D and K – is a fat soluble vitamin. Needless to say, this means they’re soluble in fats (lipids), which isn’t a big deal if you consume them naturally through a healthy, balanced diet or via organic supplements, as you won’t consume too high a level of them in one go, preventing them from collecting and building up in the body’s fatty tissues. Consuming synthetic versions of fat soluble vitamins is a different matter, though, because – as they’ve been scientifically-created – they tend to be more concentrated; in other words, you get more bang for your buck. This means the fatty tissues can fill up with them quicker and toxicity becomes a genuine danger.

How to tell the difference?

Unfortunately, knowing for sure whether you’re about to purchase or consume a natural or a synthetic vitamin isn’t always that straightforward. Why? Because too many synthetic vitamin-producing companies like to suggest their creations are more natural than they are – or even like to suggest they’re totally natural. Like it or not, many ‘unnatural’ vitamins tend to be labelled and sold as natural even if they contain as little as 10% of the genuine naturally-occurring form of a vitamin; 90% of them is made up then of synthetic, laboratory-added ingredients.

So, to avoid purchasing a synthetic vitamin by mistake, it’s important to check the product’s label for its ingredients; this should offer tell-tale signs of its ‘artificial’ nature. Ingredients in supplements to steer clear of include:

  • Aminobenzoic acid (in para-aminobenzoic acid or PABA)
  • Ascorbic acid (in Vitamin C supplements)
  • Choline chloride/ choline bitartrate (in choline supplements)
  • dl-alpha tocopherol and dl-alpha tocopherol acetate/ succinate (in Vitamin E supplements)
  • Cyanocobalamin (in Vitamin B12 supplements)
  • Calcium d-pantothenate (in pantothenic acid)
  • Irradiated ergosteral/ calciferol (in Vitamin D supplements)
  • Magnesium stearate (or stearic acid)
  • Monosodium glutamate (used for flavouring)
  • Pteroylglutamic acid (in folic acid)
  • Retinyl palmitate (in Vitamin A supplements)
  • Pyridoxine hydrochloride (in Vitamin B6 supplements)
  • Riboflavin (in Vitamin B2 supplements)
  • Thiamine mononitrate/ thiamine hydrochloride (in Vitamin B1 supplements)
  • Titanium dioxide (it’s carcinogenic!).

Go organic for natural vitamins

As noted above then, should you find your natural vitamin-intake limited through diet alone (because of pre-existing health issues, food availability or modern farming practices), you should turn to organic supplements. And, among the huge number of naturally-derived nutrient-rich supplements available through us at The Finchley Clinic, the following are highly recommended for their multivitamin composition:


Methyl Multinutrient – a superior, powerful multivitamin, mineral and antioxidant complex, this supplement’s designed to provide many nutrients in their metabolically active, bioavailable forms.


One-a-Day Multivitamin & Minerals – a potent multinutrient product, providing a broad range of natural nutrients in readily absorbable forms (including Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, C, D2 and many more).


FemForte Multi – specifically suited to the nutrient requirements of women, this supplement comprises high ratios of female health-enriching vitamins and minerals; the likes of Vitamins E, B6 and B5, as well as magnesium, zinc and green tea.



Clement B. ‘Nutri-Con: The Truth About Vitamins & Supplements’ (‘The Vitamin Myth Exposed’). Organic Consumers Association. https://www.organicconsumers.org/news/nutri-con-truth-about-vitamins-supplements. December 2006.